Ch. 24

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I haven't written in my diary since last year! Ha ha. I am hilarious. I have no clue why nobody else says that. I go back to school in a few days. I'm kinda glad since Grandma keeps making us go to farms and such. School is fun, I guess.

Alex and Emerelda walked through the fairy gardens in front of the courthouse. Emerelda everything about how Alex's grandmother was the Fairy Godmother and that she was the heir. Alex couldn't believe it. 

It was too much to take in. 

Alex couldn't seem to grasp the fact that after her grandmother dies, she would have all of that glory and respect thrust onto her chest. Of course, it couldn't be Conner; he wasn't a girl. A part of Alex wanted to tell her brother, but she didn't have any way of communicating and he probably wouldn't care. It saddened Alex to remember that her brother was an arrogant, rich teenage boy who only seemed to care about his fame and his fortune. 

Emerelda left Alex to process all the information she had received in one day. It was a lot, but she could take it. Alex sat on a white marble bench in the middle of a bed of yellow roses. She looked around. The gardens, ironically, seemed to be the only magical part of the entire Fairy Kingdom. 

The rose bushes to Alex's left rustled violently and frightened her. She jumped. Alex stood up from the hard bench and walked toward the brightly colored roses. She squinted her eyes as if it would help her see through the plant. Alex took one more step closer to the bush. 

Puss in Boots pounced on the girl and covered her mouth with a gag cloth. 

"You are coming with me," Puss hissed.


Bree politely knocked on Conner's door. There was a faint 'enter' and she opened the door. Conner was sitting on his bed with a notebook and a pencil. He was creating a plan. 

Bree joined him on his bed. She looked at the notebook. It was filled with Conner's sloppy handwriting, shapes, arrows, and other miscellaneous doodles. She pointed to it. "What is this?"

"I've been thinking. Alex and that lifeguard have been off in the middle of nowhere for a while now. So, I've been brainstorming some possible reasons why they haven't come back," Conner explained to Bree.

"I guess that is quite strange," Bree replied. "But, why would you care?"

"Because she's my twin sister! It's my job as a brother to make sure that guy hasn't done anything to her!" he practically yelled. 

Bree laughed. "I think you're wrong there," she replied. "Arthur would never hurt Alex." 

"How do you know that?" Conner asked as if he couldn't believe it. "You're not the expert on couples, Bree. I know for a fact that you've had at least three breakups in the last two years." 

Bree gasped. She couldn't believe that Conner had just said that. And so what? She was allowed to have boyfriends. "What, you're a stalker now?" she snapped, the anger clear in her voice. 

Conner realized what he had said and jumped up from his bed. "Bree, wait, I'm sorry-" but Bree had already slammed the door behind her. 

Conner sighed and returned to his bed. He decided, why go after her? She'd probably slam another door in his face. He scanned his list and checked through the ones that were most likely. They mauled by a bear...poison ivy...found an elf empire and decided to live out the rest of their lives there...jump into a magical portal and find themselves in another land...WAIT!  Conner gasped. How could he have not thought of this earlier? Alex and Arthur were in The Land of Stories!

He quickly packed a bag and ran towards Bree's room. If he was going to do this, he would need some help. He knocked on the door but to no answer. "Bree!" he yelled and pounded on the door again. "I need your help! Please open the door..." 

Finally, Bree opened the door and scowled. "Oh Conner," she muttered. "Why do you always have to show up at the wrong times?" 

"What do you mean-" 

"Never mind," Bree shrugged it off. "What do you need help with? Got a chocolate cake that needs to be eaten? A chapter that needs to be edited? Because BOY, I know how bad you are at that." 

Conner ignored the insult and showed Bree his backpack. "I'm going on an adventure," he said. "And you're coming with me." 

Bree raised an eyebrow. "What?" 

Conner sighed. She was never good at dramatic sayings. "I SAID  I'm going on an adventure, and you're coming with me," he repeated, hoping that Bree would catch on. 

However, Bree didn't. She just shrugged and shook her head. "Did you bump your head on the way here?" she stifled a laugh. 

Conner rolled his eyes. "Obviously not!" he replied. "Okay, listen. I figured out where Alex and Arthur are, and I'm going after them. Would you like to assist me?" 

"Where are they?" Bree asked, curiosity growing inside her. "Please don't tell me they've escaped to Alaska." 

"No, they haven't," Conner said. "I think they're in The Land of Stories. Actually, I know so!" 

"Really?" Bree questioned, unsure. "I highly doubt it." 

"Oh shut up," Conner answered. "Get a bag ready for a few days, we're going to go into the wilderness." 

Bree sighed and closed the door on Conner. She looked around her room for a bag and finally found a decent one. Bree packed her bag and then slung it over her shoulder. 

"I'm ready," she said to Conner when she opened the door again. 

Conner smiled. "Ready for an adventure?" 


A/N Hi guys I hope you like this chapter! This chapter was started by Flora and finished by me (Millie)! Sorry for lack of updates, we're getting started again! Btw happy September! 

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