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All I ever talk about is Micah. Probably because he's all ever I think about because he's kind of a jerk. I know I should be over this by now, but I'm not. I'm too tired to think about him right now. Grandma's calling anyway. Gotta help with dinner!

Arthur and Alex piled in the limo, and drove up to the mountains of California. It was absolutely stunning. The trees were tall, and the air was fresh. It was nice to get out of the city.

Alex and Arthur arrived at a trail head that would take them to a lake. They walked the trail for awhile, and stopped to eat some lunch.

"So," Arthur said, chewing the last bit of his sandwich. "I know a short cut to the my hideout. It's a really pretty short cut."

"Oh, cool!" Alex replied, taking a slip of her water.

"That means we're off-trailing," he explained.

"We're going off the trail?!"

"I'm afraid so, but it's alright! I know the way," Arthur assured.

Alex followed Arthur through the forest. Arthur told Alex about a nearby river they were walking by, and if you listened closely, you could hear the fairies singing. He described the river to be as blue as the sky. And to be cold as snow. Of course, it only snowed heavily in the winters and lighter in the spring, and early summer.

As they hiked, they saw lots of wildlife. It was extraordinary. Whether it was the smallest flower to the doe and her fawn, Alex was marveled by the beauty of nature.


They finally found the river, and like Arthur had said, it really was magical. Alex touched the rushing water. It was cold, but it felt refreshing, nonetheless.

As the two wandered, Alex began to wonder, where on earth is Arthur's hideout, anyway?

"Arthur, where exactly is your little hideout, anyway?" Alex asked, impatiently.

"Not too far away," he said. "Just a little ways farther. You'll love it once we get there, I promise."

Arthur led the rest of the way to his hideout. Alex began to think that he was making this whole thing up just to be with her. It was cute and romantic in a way, but also a little dishonest.

As they walked farther, the sun went down. It was dark, and they didn't have a light. Alex started to feel scared. "Arthur, where are we?"

"Um, I have no idea actually," Arthur admitted.

Alex sunk in defeat. They'd have to camp until morning. She didn't like camping very much. Arthur walked around looking for dry wood. "I can make a fire for us to stay warm."

"How are we going to get back?" Alex asked.

"We're not," Arthur replied. "We're going to have to stay until the sun comes out, again."

Alex groaned. She was glad she brought her jacket. She was beginning to get cold.


The next morning, Arthur and Alex woke up sleeping side by side. Alex was very hungry. She'd already eaten all her granola bars given she had only planned for a day trip, not an overnight stay in the wilderness. Arthur told her that he lost his way to his hideout when the sun was going down, and he didn't know the way back.

Just as he told Alex those words, they were sucked into a glowing blue light that took them away from the real world.

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