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It's Christmas Eve, and I cannot believe that it has come so quickly! I have been hiding this journal much more carefully because Grandma likes to scoop; just so she doesn't see what I'm getting her. But now that it's less than a day away, I'll tell you. I'm getting her a beautiful diamond necklace! I'm pretty sure she'll love it. Bree texted me earlier today and told me that Micah was planning on sending me this whole sweet apology letter over Instagram, but guess what? I deleted mine yesterday. Micah can swat flies, I don't care at all.

The guards shuffled through the courthouse, their tall boots ringing across the floor. Alex and Arthur gazed up at the tall podiums that portrayed most of the courthouse. They were made out of the finest marble, and Alex almost died when she saw the naked portraits of the FAT lined across the wall. She immediately looked away, not wanting to get scarred. Arthur, however, wasn't as lucky.

"Oh my goodness," He shrieked and covered his eyes. "That was completely unnecessary. You could've told me!"

The guards chuckled but didn't reply. Most of the fairies hadn't gotten used to all the changes The Fairy Kingdom, The Fairy District made, but some had gotten so confused that they fled the district in search of another place to call home.

Alex and Arthur were led down a long hallway and to the last door at the end of the hall. It was a grand door with dark oak wood, and the knob was pure gold. Alex knew that this must have been The Meeting Room, where they discuss matters.

"What you see in here," the first guard started, "You will not share anywhere else. Do you understand me?" he stared deeply into the teens' eyes, contemplating whether or not he should trust them or not.

"We understand," Alex said firmly. She had a frightened feeling her stomach, but she realized she was being foolish. The only reason why they were being so secretive was probably so no one went around discussing things that weren't true. "You can trust us." she added for effect.

Sir Plume nodded. "Thank you," he mumbled sweetly. He thrust open the doors, his gloves snapping as he did.

Alex gasped. She would have thought it was a church if she had gone in there blind. It had long rows of darkly wooded benches, and it was crowded. Hundreds of fairies shifted in their seats uncomfortably, hoping that The Fairy Authority Team would arrive soon. The tall ceiling was accompanied by many chandeliers, and seven tall thrones sat at the very end of the courtroom.

"Wow," Arthur mumbled, glancing up in awe. "This is...incredible."

Sir Edwards smirked. "We get that a lot," he told them. "Not many people are invited into the grand courtroom, but once you are, it's an invitation of a lifetime. Fairies would be crazy to pass that up."

Alex nodded. "I can see why," she said. "It's beautiful, really. Magnificent."

Sir Edwards and Sir Plume led Alex and Arthur down a back corridor and down another hallway that was tucked behind the wall of the courtroom. It led to the front row, where Alex and Arthur were instructed to sit. They traveled down a flight of stairs and then into a small room. There was a small table in one corner with flowers and a large fireplace in the center.

An emerald glow fluttered in the room, and suddenly seven fairies appeared out of thin air. Since the last time Alex had been there, she could recognize most.

On the far left was Rosette. Instead of her long puffy red dress and fiery hair, she had a plain red t-shirt and a red flare-out skirt with dark brown hair that was applied nicely with hairspray. Roses sprung out of her hands and vines wrapped around her ankles.

Tangerina was wearing a light orange blouse, orange sunglasses, yellow leggings, and a strawberry blonde beehive was attached to her skull. Bees buzzed around her, and they swarmed towards the guests, but none bit.

Coral was wearing patterned pink jeans, a pink sweatshirt, a pink scarf, and her blonde hair tied neatly into a ponytail. The Walking Fish was tied on a leash, and he hugged Coral every chance he got.

Xanthous was wearing yellow pants, a pale yellow shirt, and his blonde hair flared out in spikes. The fire ignited in his eyes and hands, and the fireplace illuminated red when he got close.

Violetta had a long purple skirt, a purple tank-top, and a purple headband attached firmly to her curly black hair. She seemed bored, but that was the only way her eyes worked. She was the oldest fairy of them all, and she was the wisest. Violetta read your mind.

Skylene looked most original than all of the FAT members. She wore her long blue dress, but her hair had changed to a medium brown and she wore flip-flops and sunglasses.

Emerelda perched by the table, her black skirt flowing in the wind. She had a black denim jacket and an electric green shirt peeking out. She looked furious, but in her right mind, she should be.

"You're here," Emerelda stated. "It took you long enough."

Sir Plume gulped. "Sorry, M'lady," he apologized, giving a deep bow. "Alex and Arthur wanted to take the time to admire the courthouse."

Emerelda smacked her teeth together annoyedly. "It does not matter what they want to do," she snapped. "They are here for one reason and one reason only."

Alex was startled by the difference in her voice. She was no longer the calm, cheerful green fairy. She was much darker than needed, and she didn't seem like she had a care in the world.

"Wh-why are we here?" Alex peeped, her cheeks blushing darker than any shade of red. "The guards didn't have time to explain, and...all we came here for was a tear of a fairy!"

"A tear of a fairy," Coral murmured, stroking her pet fish on the head. "That doesn't sound familiar. I think you're in the wrong place."

Alex furrowed a brow. "But-"

"Never mind that," Emerelda interrupted her. "I need to show you to the room. There is where all will be explained."

"No," Arthur said. "All we're here for is a tear. Then we're going to leave, and go back home. We want nothing to do with your business!"

Emerelda glared at the duo. "You must come," she started. "If not, Lloyd will take over, and that's not what we want, is it?"

"Lloyd?!" Alex and Arthur shouted in unison.

The Fairy Authority Team cocked their heads to the side like puppies. "Why are you so surprized? You've been in hiding all this time, right? Wait. Have you not been living here this whole time?"

Alex gulped. How was she going to explain this?

A/N Hey guys sorry this is kind of late. I hope you like it. And please, *thegirlwhowillnotbenamed* has been really rude to loads of TLOS fans. I suggest you report her, because she has been very offensive and mean to EVERYONE on this collab channel. Thank you!

P.S. THANKS SO MUCH FOR 1K reads! IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US. I hope this story can grow more!!!

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