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Hi there, Alex here. Sorry I've been gone for what-two months? I know that's a long time to not write. I know, and I'm sorry. It's been a pretty hectic time. Tests upon tests have come, and I'm pretty sure I aced all of them, but to get perfect you must practice, and I have been drowning in studying lately. Micah is now a myth. No one really remembers anymore, except for the odd moment that you realize Matt Sloan wasn't the original quarterback. Everyone has gone on with their lives, and so have I-wait. Let me rephrase that. I'm trying to. 

Conner felt the queasiness in his stomach. He couldn't really place what it was, but it wasn't like the normal butterflies he felt when presenting in front of a class, or even when he spoke to Bree. Around him, words were forming in thick black ink. He looked around and saw that Bree, the Masked Man, Coral, Xanthous and half of the Indians. 

"Wha-" was all Conner was able to manage. It felt like he was in jello. He looked all around once again to try and see everybody else. Where was his sister? And the lifeguard? 

Suddenly, the glossy white pages of Robin Hood disappeared, and Conner fell from the sky, along with all his friends. Fortunately, he wasn't badly hurt. Just...his stomach still ached in that weird way. 

Grunting, Conner stood up and surveyed the area around him. He was in a big forest with sky-high trees that were a rich green color. The grass on the ground was pure green and smelled like nature. Where was he? He was definitely not in Wonderland, it wasn't mad enough. It was like...home. 

Slowly, he saw a figure get up and walk towards him."Conner?" Bree said, rubbing her eyes like she was sleepy. "Do you know where we are?" 

The young boy shook his head. "Unfortunately, I don't," he said. "It seems like we're somewhere in the Otherworld." 

Bree frowned. "But how is that possible? I saw it, Captain Hook, through us into some book. There isn't a book for the there?" 

"No," Conner replied, "I don't think so." 

There was a crunching noise and Bree and Conner spun around, only to see Lloyd climbing down from a tree that he had seemed to hatch onto. 

His clothes were raggedy and threads were falling apart, but he seemed fine besides a bloody nose and a few scratches on his face and arm. Lloyd advanced towards them. 

"Oh no," Conner muttered, rolling his eyes annoyed. "What do you want, Lloyd?" putting a hand on his hip, Conner managed his most fierce look. 

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "Conner, stop embarrassing yourself. I know what I tried to do was wrong, and I know you will never forgive me..." 

"You got that right," Xanthous interrupted, helping Coral up from the ground, and glaring at Lloyd. 

The Masked Man glared in return. "Don't interrupt me as I'm trying to apologize! As I was saying, I want to join you. I'm done with this. All I want is revenge on Captain Hook! THAT TRAITOR!"  he seemed truly apologetic, and his rage was real. "I knew I should've never trusted fairy-tale characters." 

Conner gave him a blank look. "Um...okay then," 

Lloyd grinned and tried to high-five Xanthous and Coral, who immediately stepped backward and shook their head with an identical scowl. 

Leaning in close, Bree put her arm around Conner's shoulders to get closer to him. "Are you sure we should do this?" Her breath was hot in his ear, and he flinched. 

Hesitantly, Conner nodded. "Yeah," he said. "If he tries anything, we always have Xanthous to light himself up in flames. And the Indians, with their poisoned arrows." 

Bree laughed. "Okay, okay," 

"Hey, whatever happened to that cat?" Lloyd said, almost to himself. When he got no direct answer, he shrugged and continued to mind his own business. 

The Chief walked over to them. "Son, my Indians and I are getting out of here. We must find Tiger Lily and save her from that bastard of a man!" 

"No, you can't leave!" Bree cried as the Indians and their Chief started heading off in the opposite direction. "We're in a new land that's unfamiliar to us. It's unsafe to separate! We need to stick together!" 

The Chief took a moment to ponder on that. "Breanne Campbell, I'm not sure what to say." 

Bree blushed at the use of her full name. "Er, right. But please, Chief, stay with us. We'll need your help, and you could use ours."

"Alright, Breanne," said the Chief. "I will stay with you, as I must find Tiger Lily and I could use some help. And afterward, I must get revenge on Captain Hook as well for taking my girl!" 

"Well," Conner interrupted. "I think we should try to find out where we are first. And then we can try to find a way to get out of here and get back to the others. Hopefully, we'll be able to catch up to Captain Hook." 

Everyone smiled at each other. They seemed to have an idea. 

Just then, thundering footsteps grumbled through the forest. Men on horses arrived in a split second, and Conner grinned. Perfect timing. 

A/N Hi guys! Sorry, this chapter is short but at least I got one up for you! I am so sorry for the lack of updates between us all. We will try to get this sorted out soon! BYEEE!!! 

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