chapter1:Meeting are new teacher

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(Martynas pov)
Me and my friend tegan were sitting in comunity which was about to end when we go a knock on the door...

The door opend slowly and the assistant of the priciple enterd, his name is mr thurstan he said to us a anoucment me and tegan listend carfully and the words that came out of his mouth were shocking "I would like to introduce you are new teacher and it would be very apreciated if you stayed calm she is going to be your new music teacher her name is ms lovato" me and tegans jaws droped some people in are room were whispering and some stayed silent she enterd the room and smiled "Hello my name is ms lovato some people may know me as demi lovato and im going to be your new music teacher on floor 5 and i cant wait to meet all of you thank you" me and tegan looked at each other fangirling, she went out the clasroom and everyone started talking, exited me and tegan just kept on talking about what just happend the bell rang and we got up we looked at are new time table and smiled.

We walked to floor five and found the music room we enterd nerveously i mean its demi lovato come on a freaking celebrity is are new music teacher who wouldnt be nerveous, we sat down in the seats and waited theire was a guitar and a piano there i was really tempted to play it but decided to wait. The other people in are class enterd and sat down down she enterd and flashed her fameous smile so she introduced at what we were doing today and gave us instruments she asked if we could play any instruments me and tegan put are hands up she asked us what we played i pointed to the guitar and tegan to the piano, she let us use the guitar and the piano, so she told us what to play we nodded are heads and practiced it she gave other instrument to other children and showed them what to play she took her guitar and sat next to me oh my god the demi lovato is sitting next to me she counted to three and we played me and tegan fairly did a good job but the song yeah ummm it was way off, demi chuckled and told every one to stop she explaind to every one the timing and all so she counted to three and this time it was way better.

At the end of the lesson we gave her the instrument back and said bye and went to are seconde lesson but then i rememberd i forgot my coat i ran back in the clasroom and took it, she chuckled i blushed and smiled and said bye bye she said i ran back to tegan and she kept on laughing at me because i was blushing. We went to are next lesson and did that and then it was playtime we went outside and demi was there for duty i smiled go up to her she said i nodded my head no rapidly she sighed and literally pulled me there hi she said i smiled hi tegan said hi i said shyly, she chuckled  what are your names my name is tegan and this is martyna or momo i nodded my head thoes are really preaty names thank you we both said, so how old are you both we actually both 14 we were born on the same birthday thats nice we nodded are heads, and your both from england i am tegan said but martynas from poland but she moved here when she was 4 wow you dont sound polish i chuckled thank you, so we talked a bit about are hobbies and all and then we said bye and went tegan kept on teasing me because i was blushing its not my fault im shy i sighed as we went to the bars and played and talked theire.

Playtime went by fast and we had pe me and tegan groaned. We dont mind pe at all but its so tiering somtimes and just today we didnt feel like doing pe at all, we got changed and went to kings park and did pe for two hours. It was ok i supose but since i was tierd it wasnt that fun to do, soon we went back to the school and had lunch and then went to the last lesson of the day which was art. I sat next to my friend nedas and we did are work and talked about demi or ms lovato now the lesson went by quickly and we went outside. Walking out the front gate we saw this beautiful car it was a black bentley my mouth went agape wow, close your mouth you will catch flies sweetie i turned around and saw demi laughing is that your car i asked nicley she nodded her head its really nice thank you she said she came up to me il see you tommorow bye ms lovato i said still staring at my dream car that she owns she smiled bye. She enterd and max her body gaurd drove of tegan laughed her car is dope its not dope is freaking amazingly cool she chuckled one day martyna one day in my dreams i said she smiled and said bye i said bye aswell and went to the bus stop, i sat down and waited soon my bus came and i went home jeez what a crazyly eventful day i smiled and put my headphones on and listend to music.

Our celebrity teacher जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें