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(Martynas pov)
Skipping are horrible sickness i was back to my energetic self and im not exited for this week at all because tests tests and more tests oh how i cant wait, aspecialy for the science test which i feel im gonna fail yes demi lovatos daughter isnt good at science eaven though both of her parents love the subject and are quite good at it big deal. I sighed revising for the first two tests which were english and french i did that for 4 hours did some traning, yes i still do traning after sports day and then i went to sleep dreading tommorow as it slowly crept my way.

I woke up next morning at 6:55am, i yawned and streched and texted with tegan if she was ready for the tests which she wasnt just like me. I yawned and got ready for school im moving in with mum and dad this weekend at the end of all the tests, once at school we were let in we went to are community and me and tegan sat down are you ready for this week as ready as il ever be i said, she chuckled and we just talked until mum i mean miss lovato dismissed us and we went are first exam of the week which was english. We sat down in the seats given to us and we had to listen to the istructions of the teacher that was gonna be with us through the whole test, after that she let us start the test was fairly easy i wouldnt say i did super good good but i think i did preaty well. I sighed putting my pen down i looked back to nedas and asked him how he did by doing thubs up middle and thumbs down, he gave me the middle i nodded my head and showed him the middle aswell i looked back and waited until the time was up.

After that we had break since the exam was 90minuits so we just talked for the rest of the thirty minuits. I saw tegan and went to her and we talked, miss lovato came up to us how was the test it was ok i said tegan nodded her head it wasnt bad, she nodded her head and yeah after that we had pe and then the french reading exam which was actually ok it wasnt that bad and then i went home. The next couple of days were ok well on wednesday we had are maths exam and i kind well got sent out the classroom, are english teacher that is american well she put on the news and donald trump was their and he does theas funny faces and i just started laughing.....

and yeah miss lovato was in the class so i was preatty mutch scrued to be honest, the teacher sent me out i couldnt stop laughing miss lovato went out of the clasroom and raised her eyebrow, can you explain to me what you find so funny she asked with a not so amused face, i started laughing again tears of laughter streaming down my face im sorry i chocked out between laughter after a bit i calmed down, she put on the news and donald trump was on the news and his face just my god she sighed you do not laugh at a exam, i know im sorry wont happen again she nodded her head you have a lunch time DT for that what noooooo why, because you do not laugh in a exam i groand its not fair she should not put on the news blaming it on the teacher wont get you out of it lovato she said. I sighed this is pointless i mumbled she looked at me with the look that said i dont wont to hear no more from you young lady or you will get in more trouble, i went quiet and enterd the clasroom sitting down in my seat.

After the test nedas and alessio came up to me what did miss lovato say i got a lunch time DT, they started laughing hahaha lol u got a DT from your mum scrue off i said they still laughed. I stuck my toung out at them you guys are idiots shore we are your the one that got the DT, i groand can u be quite  just because i got a DT doesent mean im a idiot they roled their eyes i sighed and we were dissmissed. I saw tegan and told her everything she also laughed wow well done momo i groand donald trump made me laugh she shouldnt expect me not to laugh at him come on, she chuckled you will live its not like you going to get grounded when you get home i really dont care i said  no lyric pun intended tegan said, i smiled and we went outside and miss lovato was there with oh great dad you know what lets go back upstairs, she saw what i was looking at and she laughed no she started pulling me tegan stop it you gonna have to face your parents sooner or later well id rather do it later i said trying to pull away as she dragged me in their direction i pouted giving up.

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