Chapter13:Dream Of A Honeymoon

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(An:I haven't wrote in this book in ages, and to see it gain quite a lot of reads makes me happy. I wouldn't expect this book to reach 1.16k reads whatsoever. I'm really grateful. I don't promise to update a lot this year as I'm busy with my Gcse, however after I'll be more available to write and re store this book from the dead. Enjoy this chapter. ❤️😊)

(Demi's pov)

It has been 2 weeks since mine and Nick's wedding. I still can't believed it happened!. Somewhere deep in my guts I had a feeling it would happen, however back then it was just a distant dream an impossible fantasy that I wished to come true. Now we are here married with a daughter. how this happened? I have no idea. It just went by so fast and I'm so grateful for all of it.

Mum I can't find my phone!. I broke out my train of thoughts. It'd on the kitchen counter!. Thank you I heard her say. I chuckled at how forgetful she can be sometimes. I looked at mine and Nick's suit cases and snickered his seemed half more full then mine.

He came in how come I'm a women and have less clothes in my suit case then you? . He blushed hey a man's gotta look good. U huh sure I said winking at him, he smirked ready for Bora Bora?. More than ever I said kissing him he kissed back. Oh lord get a room you two. We broke the kiss of and saw Martyna standing their with a smirk.

Yeah we will in Bora Bora. She gaged i don't want detail thank you, next. We laughed she smiled and went to her room to get her stuff. We dropped her of at Marissa's house. She hugged us as I kissed her head and she ran of to Tegan. I chuckled as we said bye to Marissa. The drive to the airport took ages and I was nervous we were going to be late. Don't stress Demi the private jet can't leave withought us oh yeah I said.

Nick chuckled and took my hand we went inside the airport and checked in. The procedure went by fast and before we knew it we were on the plane. I buckled my seat belt and leaned back let's enjoy this week as much as we can Nick mumbled softly. I nodded my head in agreement and closed my eyes letting out an inaudible sight as I relaxed. The plane took of and we were in the air.

I leaned agasint Nick and nuzzled myself into him. He smiled it still feels so sureal he said I smiled into his neck. I can agree with you I said he leaned his head agasint mine and closed his eyes. We both fell into a blisfull slumber intertwined into each other it was a sensational feeling of security, peace it felt like home. I knew for a fact we belong to each other like that.

(Martyna's pov)

I ran to Tegan's room and opened her door causing it to hit the wall. She jumped up jesus she said. I giggled and hugged her she hugged me back. Nick and Demi excited for their honeymoon?. Don't even start I mentioned chuckling. I'd rather not know how many times they are gonna do it.

Yeah good idea Tegan said laughing, so what are we gonna do we have a weak to ourselves and new years. Stay up until 5am messing about; eat a lot of food like a lot; go shopping till we actually drop; on new year we are going to blast out music and act like actual idiots and lastly sleep a lot. Tegan laughed you read my mind where do we start.

I smirked Daz Games I stated. Hell yeah she said we sat down and put on Daz Games reading fan fiction.

(An:If you never watched this then watch it you will laugh till you pee yourself not a lie it's funny af).

We started to watch it laughing so bad that out mouths and stomachs were aching. I sighed when the video finished I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat up. That was so good Tegan stated. It was so funny I couldn't breath. Tell me about it she breathed out she looked at me. I have an idea oh god should I be worried. No it's nothing bad OK shoot I said my voice had an uneasy tone to it.


I was thinking we could go to the shop  and buy neon party stuff, silly string and party poppers and blast out music. Ohhhh I like that idea really much we told aunt Marissa were going to the shop she nodded her head and we went. Ok I'll get food you get party stuff I said. She nodded her head and we split up. I took sweets and chips and everything you could classify as unhealthy.

I went to pay and met Tegan at the entrance of the shop. Got everything?. Yep I did she said showing it to me. Ohh we are gonna have so much fun I said. She giggled we are gonna a big sugar rush after that much candy. Mum and Dad keep me away from sweets in general, so we have to be sneaky cause I'm pretty sure Marissa knows that I said.

Tegan nodded her head and we got back to her house. We snuck in and went upstairs saying a short we are back and ran. We got upstairs and hid the candy away into Tegan's drawer. OK we are safe we put on music and turned the lights of turning the glowsticks on getiing put the candy and eating it. I wasn't wrong as after 10 candy's I was already and sugar rush as was Tegan. We messed about laughing at anything and everything. We looked like idiots but we had no care in the world at that moment.

(Nick's pov)

I woke up when the intercom said we had to put our belts on. I yawned and stretched putting my one on and waking up my beautiful wife. Demi I said shaking her yeah babe she whispered we are going to land. She yawned and opened her honey comb chocolate eyes that anyone could melt into. She smiled and put her seat belt on.

We soon landed and got of the plane getting out suit cases we were escorted to put private beach house. It was enchanting looked like from a fairly tale. Looks like we rented Disney's Castle she said laughing loduly. I chuckled well I said picking her up bridal style you are my Queen after all, She blushed and pecked my lips and your my Kind she said. I smiled and opened the door I set her down and we looked around the house.

Its amazing she breathed out. I smirked she looked so beautiful. I went behind her and embraced her you look breathless I whispered into her ear. She shivered and smiled, she tilted her head kissed me slowly. We let go as cheesey as it sounds you make me the happiest man alive, and I mean it Demi. You gave me more than I could ask for. She smiled the same goes for you Nick. We both took part in each others live and this shows us we belong to each other.

I smiled as we went upstairs and laid in the bed just in each others embrace. Nothing else nothing more this was enough for us currently. Just each others presence. I let out a happy sigh what else can a man want because I don't know anymore I'm pretty sure I have all the hapiness in the world currently. Do you ever thing what will happen in the future?. What do you mean?, Demi asked. Well do you think what will happen after Martyna finished school etc.

I do sometimes. I would like to come back to my career after Martyna finished school and goes to college. I want to make a new album and go on tour again. Martyna also has an amazing voice. I want her to live her dream of becoming a photographer, but I know she wants to be in the music industry to. I want to give her that opportunity and show the world what she is capable of.

I smiled I think Martyna is going to make a huge difference in the future I said. She just has that spark of inspiration I said softly. Demi nodded her she is also inspiring the way she puts her words, and how she expresses herself shows how much she is capable of.

I nodded my head she will be one in a kind I can feel it. It will be hard for her tho Demi said. I nodded my head. People will try to stop her knock her down and it won't be easy but she will do it i said smiling at Demi. She smiled back and cuddled back into each other.

(Hope u guys enjoy this chapter)

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