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The two boys walked out of the house with a girl. The boys look my age and they are hiding their faces but their sister looks like emma. (Marcus and Martinus's sister) weird. Their parents are forced long them to say hi but I can't see their parents face. I here their mother say go introduce yourself make new friends stop hiding in the house. Wow they must need to get a life.

The boys start to walk over to use reveling their faces. I notice that it's Marcus and Martinus.
"Well hello boys." I say.
"Hello I am..." Marcus says before I cut him off.
"You are Marcus and you are Martinus." I say laughing at the same time.
"Yeah I kinda know you guys. We were just dancing to like it like it." I say laughing.
"That's awesome how you listen to my songs" Martinus says.
"Hey maybe you guys can come with us to the pool." Faith said.
"Sure we an take a break from packing."  Marcus says.
Marcus and Martinus starts heading back inside to get their swimsuits on.
They walk out their house.
"Were ready!" Martinus says.
"Let's go!!" Faith says.
Faith is playing music on her phone like usual. For some reason we go the way we usually go to our bus stop and the way that the stupid F boys go.
"Faith... why did we go this way you know that F boys are over here!" I say.
"It doesn't matter it's only Cam." Faith
"That's even worse!" I say.
" like ew why!" I say.
Marcus and Martinus look confused and while Faith and I were talking they looked confused.
"Who are these F boys?" Martinus asks.
"They are the most annoying people on this planet. They pretend like they are the best people ever and they try to talk smack but they suck at it and they sound like girls with squeaky voices. Trust me you don't wanna be friends with them. If they try to talk to you say F off." I say.
"Ok I'll make sure that I stay away from them" Marcus says while laughing nervously.
"Oh great here they are." Faith says.
"Ughhh why?!" I say.
The F boys try to talk to us.
"Go find something better to do." I say.
"Why?" One of the F boys said.
"Because I hate you guys and just an FYI you really need to learn how to come up with comebacks." I say.
"Why don't you guys try to talk to us once you have matured. Oh wait that's never so never talk to me. So bye go somewhere else." I say.
"Bye." Cam said.
Marcus and Martinus looked impressed and they were also surprised by what I had said. As soon as we are near the pool Marcus and Martinus were telling me how it was awesome how I smack talked them. We all started laughing and we entered the pool...

From the writer: How is this story?

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