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*two weeks later*

Macs POV-

It's been two weeks since Lily has been ou the hospital and I'm happy to see my princess happy.

I cracked my phone so if I had to ask for Lily to hang out I have to walk to her house.

So I walk to her house and her aunt wasn't there and she left a note.

This is Lily's aunt I left the house but Lily should be in her room go right in. And btw I know it's Marcus because you come here every day.

You got that right!

I enter the house and go into Lily's room.

Mac- Lily? Anyone here?

I look all over the house and she is nowhere to be found.

I then look on her dresser and I found a note.

Let's see if my Prince Charming can find me!

Let's play a little game.

My aunt knows where I am and my friends but they won't be giving any hind or clues only what is on this paper.

Do all the things on this list to find me.

1- Go to my favorite food place and ask the staff member named "Sloane" for a clue.

2- Lay on my trampoline at night under the stars with someone. No it can't be another girl.

3-  Use the first clue to find my Polaroid camera and take a photo with a sibling.

4- After the 3 thing bring the Polaroid to my aunt and she will hand you another clue.

5- Jump into a pool with your clothes on and have a friend or a sibling record it then go to the lifeguard named "James" or "Jeb" and they will have your last clue.

6- Head up to your room and only you can read the clue no sibling help or help from your parents. Follow the directions on that last clue closely it might be confusing at first but you will get it.

You will have 4 days to find me! ;)

~ Love your Cinderella

Oh gawd this is gonna be hard.

I will do anything to find my princess.

Did you guys like it?! Night😁💖🤘

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