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eMMa- MARCUS! Mamma sa å våkne opp!!

Marcus- Why?! It's too early!

eMMa- Because of Martinus.

Marcus- What's wrong?

eMMa- I don't know. Mom said just get up!

Marcus- ok! I'm up!

Lily- Good morning.

Marcus- Morning babe.

eMMa- ew lovey dovey stuff.

Marcus- Go get dressed eMMa.

eMMa- fintttttt...

Marcus- Thank you.

I get up out of bed and I grab a white shirt and some football shorts.

Marcus- Do you need clothes?

Lily- yeah. My house is locked and I don't have a spare key. Should have remembered that my aunt leaves for work this early.

Marcus- Here try this on.

I picked out Martinus's football shorts since he is a size smaller than me. (I grow faster and we still share clothes) anyways I grab a white shirt since we have a ton of them and then my like it like it hoodie I wear all the time.

Lily- Thank you babe.

Marcus- Your welcome princess. Again I won't look.

Lily- what if I wanted you to look. JK JK!

Marcus- This is why I love you.

After we were changed we ran downstairs and then got in the car to head to the hospital.

Momma- The doctors said that something happened to Martinus...

Marcus- DID HE DIE??!

Momma- no but the doctors didn't say what happened.

As soon as we got to the hospital the doctor said that he was in a coma.

My mom and I start sobbing and Lily went on a walk with eMMa to the cafeteria so then she wouldn't know what's going on and to keep her happy.

eMMa and lily then get back.

eMMa- Kan jeg snakke med martinus?

Momma- Nei.

eMMa- why can't I talk to him?

Momma- well Martinus feel into a deep sleep like sleeping beauty.

eMMa- Well how about true loves kiss?

Momma- That won't work but he will be alright.

Marcus- eMMa. Do you want to go to the store and buy gifts for Martinus for when he does wake up?

eMMa- JA!

My mom then kisses Martinus's forehead then we head back into the car.

Momma- Do you guys want to make a quick trip to The store and then go watch a movie?

eMMa- yes!

Marcus- Sure.

Lily- sounds fun!

We arrive at a local target and we pick out all the things that Martinus would like.

Marcus- How about this football?

Lily- He would love that! And you should start calling it a soccer ball in public and at practice because people here are starting to think that you are a little bit crazy.

Marcus: Ok!

I then started laughing so hard.

Lily- Babe! Babe!

Marcus- WHAT?! Is someone behind me?

Lily- the floor is lava.

Marcus- oh damn it lily!

I then had to jump onto someone's shopping cart then run to catch up with my mom.

Lily- Marcus! I can't run that fast you know!

Marcus- oops!

Lily's POV-

I am running after Marcus and trying to keep up.

Lily- Marcus! I can't run that fast you know!

Marcus- oops!

I then get a text message from my aunt.

Aunt- Sorry but I have to work late for my job tonight so I dropped off the house key at Marcus's house and if you need anything you can access the house and I won't be home till 3 AM in the morning.


Marcus- what do you need.

Lily- Nobody is home at my house I was thinking that we can have alone time.

Marcus- That sounds fun.

Marcus then kissed me on the forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist then gives me a big hug.

Momma- Marcus grab that grocery bag please.

Marcus- ok.

After the store we went to the movies.

Momma- If you want Marcus you and lily can sit by yourself.

Marcus- Thanks mom.

Momma- vær så god.

The movie ended and we stopped by Marcus's house to grab my key.

Lily- Once we get to my house all I have to do is let the dogs outside and then we can hang out.

Ohhh what's gonna happen next😏🤔😉

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