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"Um faith I just noticed that Cam was following us this whole time and they were just starring at your a**." I say.
"Oh they are gonna get so f***ed up." Faith said.
The boys just sat there confused and not knowing what to do.
"Hey Mac can you put my phone and my towel over there so I can take care of the F boys?" I ask.
"Yeah sure" Marcus said.
Faith and I went up to the F boys and confronted them. The were all acting scared and it was so sad that they couldn't come up with comebacks.
"Stop looking at my friends a** and get a f***ing life!" I yell at them.
"Just so you know vaping isn't cool either and no one f***ing cares about your f***ing vape you just want to act cool but you guys are complete a** holes. Get A L I F E!" I say.
Marcus is just sitting there behind me like what the f*** is going on. The boys left to go somewhere else and then we went into the pool.
I went to check if the pool was warm because my friend faith said to and then Marcus jumped in in front of me getting me soaked.
Then Marcus was right in front of me then he pulled me into the water.
"F*** you Marcus." I said laughing.
"I will." Marcus said.
We both laughed.
After a long day at the pool we all went home.
Text messages:
Verizon 8:20 PM 23%
Faith:Good night bestie💖💖💖
Lily: wait before you go to bed do you think Marcus is into me?
Faith:omg yes you guys would be goals.
Lily: you sure? Because when I said f**** you Marcus he said he will.
Faith: he is totally into you💖
Lily: ok well I have to go to bed ily bestie💖💖💖💖
Faith:Good night Ily 💖💖💖💖💖😁
Other text messages:
Mac:hey this is Mac.
Lily: Hello Mac
Mac:I just wanted to say that I had fun today and that I loved it when you smack talked those F boys today and to say goodnight.
Lily: thanks🌸 I deal with them all the time so it is easy to smack talk them😂 well goodnight🌸

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