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It's the next day and it's so bright and early out.

*text message notification*

Marcus- Need your help meet me at the park.

Lily- is everything alright?

Marcus- just meet me there.

I head down to the park as fast as I can and I see that Marcus is on the swings alone.

Lily- what's wrong?

Marcus- I'm lonely and I need someone to talk to.

Lily- what happened to Tinus?

Marcus- I needed somebody else to talk to because it's important...

He looks into my eyes.

Marcus- I like someone but I literally don't know how to tell her... she sh... idk I just feel like she won't like me... and what if I never get my first kiss or my first girlfriend?

Lily- Don't worry I know how you feel... all of my crushes turned me down and hurt my feelings... I have never had a boyfriend or my first kiss. We just gotta find that right person.

Marcus then looks at me and he hugs me.

Marcus- Thank you.

Lily- your welcome. Just go for it and ask her on a date when you feel like it's the right moment. I bet she will love you. Your the kindest, funniest and hottest guy I know.

I then start laughing nervously.

Marcus- Thanks. It's great to have you in my life.

We both then see a shadow from behind us and hear foot steps...

Marcus- Lily? Did you...

The figure then grabbed me and took me away.


I have no idea where I am then I blink and look. I'm behind a tree near the basketball court with Abe and his friends surrounding me.

Lily- wha... why... I'm confused!

Abe- Shhhh be quiet!

He then took me somewhere where it was harder to see me.

Abe- Your gonna get it for breaking my heart!

Lily- WHAT?! You broke my heart first! What do you mean?!

Abe- Shut up!

He then slapped me in my face then his friends all left because they had to go home.

Marcus is yelling out my name and looking for me.

Abe then started to punch and kick me like I'm some sort of toy that he thinks won't break.

I then start bleeding really badly then he left.

I get up and run to the park bathroom.

I just cry on the playground thinking of what I did wrong.

Marcus- Lily?

I just start crying even more.

Then he walks over...

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