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I decided to go to the park with Faith and the boys.
"Umm lily they are here again." Faith says.
"Oh sh** lily is gonna smack talk like crazy be prepared." Mac said then we all laughed.
"SAVAGE!" Martinus said.
"Ok you ready" I say laughing.
I walk up to them because they were walking towards me.
"Da** your hot" Cam said.
"I know I am." I said.
"Wanna go out some time" Jake said.
"Why don't you guys stop vaping and get a f***ing life first then you can date me." I said.
"Wow little girl big language." Jake said.
"Wow your impressed from a girl saying cuss words and she is a year older. You guys even forgot that you were younger. You can't even remember your age so how are you supposed to remember that you have a girlfriend? Because I'm pretty sure you cheated on my friend! So get a f***ing life." I say then I give them my middle finger.
The F boys grab their skate boards and skate away.
"F***ing a** holes need to get life's." I say to faith and the boys.
"Wow you really know how to get rid of them!" Mac said.
"Yeah well they are a** holes." I say.
"Ok, ok lily you can calm down now." Faith said while laughing.
" I have never seen a girl that confident before." Mac said.
"Haha that's because other girls are fooled by boys looks. I look for personality not by popularity and looks." I say.
"That's a good thing." Tinus said.
"Whys that?" I ask.
"Because I know several people who like you." Tinus said.
"Since when? I have never had a boyfriend and I never will because boys don't like me for me. Almost boys care about looks." I say.
"We don't." Mac says.
"Thats good." I say laughing.
"What's groundys?" Mac asks.
"One person is on the ground off the playground then the rest are on the playground and the person not on the ground has to tag someone. If the tagged goes on the playground they have to close their eyes. If someone is on the ground and you hear them on the ground you can say groundys and whoever is on the ground is the new tagger or who ever you tag is it." Faith explains.
" 123 NOT IT!" I say then Mac is the last person to say not it.
"Dang it! F*** you lily." Mac said while laughing.
"I will." I say while laughing.
"Come on let's play!" Faith says.
"Ok ok chill!" Tinus says to faith.
Mac then tagged me.
"Your mean." I say.
"I know you are but what am I." Mac says.
"Don't even go there!" I said while laughing.
I then run and tag faith.
"Heyyyy!" Faith said.
"Haha your it!" I said.
We then played a couple more rounds of groundys.
Then we hear a snow cone truck.
"OooOoo I hear the snow cone truck who wants to come with me?" I say.
Both Mac and Tinus didn't want to come with me but faith did.
"I'm going with!" Faith said.
"We will wait here" Mac said.
Both faith and I walked to the ice cone truck with my money while Tinus and Mac talked to each other.
"I am pretty sure Mac has a crush on you..." faith says.
"You sure?" I say.
"I'm postiveeee" faith said.
"Weird i have no idea why a guy likes me." I say.
"Oh hunyyyy! Gurlllll! You need to learn a few things." Faith said.
"Like what?" I say.
"To accept that a boy actually likes you." Faith said while laughing.
While faith and I were getting snow cones Mac and Tinus were talking.
The boys conversation:
"Tinus is it obvious that I like lily?" Mac says.
"Very obvious." Tinus says.
"Like idk what to do she is just so pretty and confident!" Mac says.
"I have no idea if she likes you or not it's hard to tell." Tiny says.
"Please don't say anything." Mac says.
"I won't." Tinus says.
"Thanks they are coming so shhhhh." Mac says.
I then get back with faith and snow cones.
"Soooo what do you guys wanna do?" I ask.
"We can hang at my house!" Mac says.
"Sure!" Faith says.
"Lily? What about you?" Tinus asks.
"Sure." I say.
"Is something wrong?" Mac asks
"Yes." I say.
"What is it you can tell us." Tinus says.
"They gave me an small not a regular." I say.
"Oh sh** we better go get her a new one now." Mac says laughing.
"Let's go." I say.
Then Mac runs and stops the snow cone truck.
"You gave my friend a small instead of a regular and you took her money she is coming now so I suggest that you make her a regular now before she comes because I am afraid of her myself." Mac says.
"Ok." The snow cone guy said all scared.
"Here." The snow cone guy says.
"Thank you." Mac says.
I then arrive at the truck.
"Thanks Mac get me the blue raspberry and the fruit punch." I say to Mac angrily.
"I'm sorry Mac if I'm mean I'm on my period." I saw while laughing.
"Oh god. I shouldn't mess with you then." Mac said.
Then we both laughed. Then we walked to Macs house...

From the writer: is it good?💖🤘✨🌸🤘💖

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