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I wake up to see that Marcus was awake and he was trying to find a clean shirt.

Marcus- Morning sleeping beauty.

Lily- Morning Prince Charming.

Marcus- I was thinking maybe since your not doing anything we can go to the park for a picnic?

Lily- I would love to!

Marcus throws on a white T-shirt and then he ran downstairs to grab my bloody clothes out of the wash.

Marcus- here. We can stop by your house so then you can get a change of clothes.

Lily- Thank you. My parents are currently out of state and my aunt is here to keep an eye on me for a couple weeks so you don't have to worry about them.

I get to my house and as soon as we are in my room I grab an Adida brand crop top with an hat and some skinny jeans.

Marcus- don't worry I won't look.

Lily- haha it's fine.

Once I got done changing we grabbed the stuff for the picnic and we went to the park.

Marcus- So my Cinderella how are you feeling today?

Lily- Good!

Abe's POV-

I know that what I did to lily wasn't right but i just had to do it.

I have no idea what got in my head.

I have all these voices going through my head.

It's hard to see Lily with a guy that isn't me!

I have liked her for a long time and I know that I let her down once but can't believe she let me the popular guy down for a Norway boy!

She is so gonna get it!

If she is gone then both Norway boy and Me won't have her!

She made a big mistake!

Marcus POV-

Whenever I see Lily smile it lights up my whole world and I am so glad I finally found the person I love.

Out of all the girls I knew she is most like me.

We have everything in common!

That includes being lazy!

Lily- thanks for helping me last night.

Marcus- and thanks for the advice how to ask out the most beautiful girl out on a date. And that girl is my Cinderella.

Lily- Where did you get Cinderella from? Hahaha

Marcus- Lets just say you have a Cinderella blanket and you told me that your favorite princess is Cinderella. Another thing you call me Prince Charming and every Prince Charming needs to have an amazing princess and you my princess. Wow that sounded confusing!

Lily- Hahahaha Thank you my prince! Oh wow we sound ridiculous!

I see that someone is behind Lily and then boom everything blacked out! I feel so dizzy...

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