208 16 6

We went to Lily's house and brought the Polaroid to her aunt so then she can give us another clue.

Aunt- here you go. Good luck! She really misses you.

Mac- thank you!

I read the clue then looked at the list again.

Apparently I have to jump into the pool with my clothes on then have someone record it but it has to be a friend or a sibling.

After I jump into the pool I have to go to the life guard "James" or "Jeb".

Martinus- I'll record you.

Marcus- wish that you were the one jumping in the pool with your clothes on.

Martinus- at least I brought extra clothes.

Marcus- good.

I then jumped into the pool and it was FREEZING!

I'm glad I did it anyways because I love her so much and I need to find her!

Tomorrow is the day I have to be finished and hopefully I can find all clues!

James- here's your clue!

Marcus- are you James or Jeb?

James- I'm James! And I heard you speak Norwegian!

Marcus- Ja, Jeg er norsk!

James- I have no idea what you said but that's cool! Well good luck finding Lily!

Marcus- tusen takk!

James- I'm gonna guess that was thank you.

Marcus- yes it was a thank you.

I then look at the list again to see what was next.

Ok so I had to go to my room and read the last clue.

Martinus, eMMa, my mom, my dad, my friends, no one could help me.

Just me.

I open the clue and there are directions I have to follow exactly.

I look at the other clues and apparently those other clues were just so people make sure I actually did what's on the list.

The last clue is the real thing though.


Ok babe. This is the clue that will help you find me. Exit your house. Two houses down take a left. In about 2 feet there should be small rocks going left and right. Go right. At the biggest tree go forward 6 Martinus sized feet and I should be there waiting for you.

After I read it I follow the directions carefully.

I get to the tree and then I see lily!

I run to her and she jumps on me!


We look like this right now:

I haven't seen her in so long and it's great to see her!

Lily- my prince did come after all.

Marcus: You planned this whole thing?

Lily- yes I did! Just for you.

Marcus- I love you and I always will and I will never hurt you.

Lily- Thank you.

Marcus- Lily... you might wanna come closer to me...

Lily- Why?

Marcus- Just grab my hand and run! Don't turn back!

Lily: Marcus your scaring me!

Marcus: just trust me and run to my house.

We ran as fast as we could.

The writer: Hey peeps!
What happens? Why did Marcus need to run?

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