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Marcus POV-

Doctor Bail- Come on...

Doctor Stilth- You can do this.

Doctor Bail- WE GOT IT!

I start crying my eyes out because I'm so happy.

Doctor Bail- We are going to have to do an MRI scan.

Marcus- what's that?

Doctor Bail- a machine that looks at the organs and other parts of your body to make sure everything is ok.

Marcus- how long will she be at this hospital?

Doctor Bail- not long if there is nothing wrong with her. If we can't find anything we will release her.

I run into Tinus's room.

Marcus- Mom, Lily er ok. De sa at de skal gjøre noe som heter MRI Scan tommorow for å se på organene, forkjenne henne for å sikre at alt er ok.

Momma- glad she is ok. How long will she be here for?

Marcus- They said not long if there isn't anything wrong with her.

Doctor Bail- Marcus, Lily is awake and she requested to see you.

Marcus- Thank you.

*in Lilys hospital room*

Lily- why am I back in this shitty place. I want to be left the fuck alone. Wish you guys would let me die.

Marcus- why is that?

Lily- I just feel like total shit and so many bad things come to me. Wish it could stop.

Marcus- if I lost you I have no idea what I would do.

Lily- you would live life.

Marcus- not a happy one.

Lily- Why do you love me. I was just a fan girl that tries to act like anyone else, who hides her feelings. Who tried her best. Do you just love me because I'm a fan and you don't want to hurt my feelings?

Marcus- why would I ever do that? I would never do that to a girl like you. You mean the world to me.

Lily- If I meant the world to you why can't you let me be happy?

Marcus- what do you mean?

Lily- I wanted to die because it's all too much I can't take it anymore. I would be happier if both of us ran away to a place with no people and somewhere where we don't have to worry.

Marcus- Don't worry I will keep you safe. And I'll make sure you don't get hurt because I am here for you and I always will be.

Doctor Bail- Ready for the MRI?

Lily- Doctor I'm fine.

Doctor Bail- You have to do it.

Lily- I don't want to.

Doctor Bail- it's part of my job.

Lily- fine but nothing is wrong with me.

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