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Ok so the first thing on the list it says to

Go to my favorite food place and ask the staff member "sloane" For a clue.

Her favorite food place that she forces me to get her is Starbucks. She counts it as a food place because it has bacon sandwiches.

I arrive at the Starbucks we go to all the time and ask for the staff member named "sloane"

Sloane- you must be Prince Charming. Here is your first clue.

Mac- thank you.

I order a pink drink which is Lily's favorite just to remind me of her.

After I order my drink I head home so then I can look at the clue.

At the top it tells me that I can read the clue but they clue will only be needed for the end once I finish all the tasks.

So in order for me to use the clues to find her I have to collect all the clues with every task I do.

It's late so I head to bed.

Sorry for a short chapter thing it's early in the morning and it's hard to right when it's almost 2AM in the morning 😂💖🤘 one more thing I am too tired to go over it and make sure there is no spelling errors so night peeps!🤘

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