Chapter 17

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Quick thing... This chapter is a time skip to Christmas because nothing really happens between the last chapter to this. I know that it would have been a lot better if this was uploaded nearer to Christmas but that wouldn't work.

"Cassi! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming!"I shouted as a reply to my brother.

"Well come quicker!"

"Hang on! Just give me a moment!" I ran out of my dorm room, still limping slightly as a result of the fire. I burst into Mitch and Scott's room. Kirstie had made it to them just before me. We were the only ones in our dorm that were staying for the holidays so we could be as loud as we wanted. We sat in a ring in the middle of the floor, presents either behind us or in the centre of the circle. We took it in turns to open the gifts from our families. It really felt like I was a child again. My pile was the smallest as I only really had one person that sent me presents, which was my father. "That's it for me," I said after a while. Mitch looked over at my tiny pile. I expected him to comment on it but, instead, he shrugged and they carried on opening their presents.

"Right! Onto our presents!" Kirstie giggled gleefully. I swear, I never in a million years thought that someone could be as excitable as that girl could. Never. We all squealed and pulled out three presents, one for each of the group. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she wasn't the only one that could be that excitable. When it came to our gifts, we had come up with rules. No more than ten pounds to be spent on each person and you had to follow the wrapping rule. The wrapping rule was that you had to wrap each person's gift with their wrapping paper colour. Mitch had green paper, Scott had blue, Kirstie had purple and I had silver paper. We spent half an hour giggling and messing around as we ripped the paper off of various presents. We threw the ripped paper at each other in a sort of rip off snowball fight, then screamed when someone tried to do the same to us. Soon, things were flying everywhere. We were all covered in glitter and random bits of paper and ribbon.

When we finally calmed down, which took a long time if I'm being honest, and looked at the time, we decided to have a quick makeover session. Even Mitch and Scott got involved with it and had full faces of festive makeup on. They all looked stunning. Not to blow my own trumpet or anything but I thought that I looked pretty good as well. Kirstie was amazing. She could totally be a makeup stylist when she was older. I looked at the clock and realised that it was nearing the time to leave the dorm for the Christmas Lunch.

"Merry Christmas. Come sit." When we entered the canteen, this is what we were greeted with. There was only one, long table that sat about thirty people around it and was covered in red and green glitter and other, random, Christmas decorations. There were also lots of silver dishes, presumably with the food underneath. There was a Christmas tree stood in the corner of the hall and the walls were adorned with sparkly decorations. Half the table was already full. There were most of the higher ups already at the table and a couple other soldiers. Which meant that it was mainly cadets that we were waiting for.

"Where do we sit?" Scott whispered to the other two, breaking me from staring around the room in awe.

"Where ever you want Scott. Today, there are no formalities! Christmas is a fun day!" I chuckled at both the Captain and at Scott's reaction to his statement. Your first Christmas here is always weird and it always threw people off. Seeing everyone forgetting everything that you have to remember normally is a laugh and if you're not used to seeing the higher up soldiers like that then it is very unnerving. The door opened again and two, fifth-years walked in, similar expressions to the trio's on their faces.

The Captian greeted them with a huge smile on his face, "Ah. Jack, George, come join us. And screw the formalities! Let's have fun for once!" Everyone who had been here for Christmas before laughed at the shocked expressions that morphed onto their faces. I chuckled and went to sit next to Jay, who was also staying for the holidays, wrapping my hand in his. He kissed my forehead to cheers from the other people sat around the table that were brave enough. Most of the cadets weren't as we were all acting a bit crazy for people with large amounts of authority. Jay and I looked at each other. We were totally thinking the same thing and finding it highly amusing. He nodded down under the table. I followed his gaze to where he was holding some mistletoe. I smiled. Yup. We were thinking the same thing.

"When?" He whispered in my ear. It sent shivers up my spine like someone had just rubbed ice into my back. His voice was seriously smooth.

"After food." I replied, "Then they will all be slightly tipsy. That will be amusing." He nodded and hid the mistletoe once more.

Quickly, everyone was soon sat around the table and relaxed and talking with those around them. "Let's eat!" The Captain cried. "Everyone take the lid to your left and lift!" Everyone lifted their lids in crazy, overly extravagant ways. We all burst into laughter at everyone's different actions. The noise was quickly cut short as the smell entered our noses and sent delightful messages to our brains. This was going to be an amazing meal, I could already tell it was going to. My stomach rumbled as a result of the amazing smells that were coming my way. I smiled and get ready to tuck in.

This took me so long to write! I'm binge watching MishKali whilst fangirling about the new Attack on Titan episode whilst talking to people. I am not that good at multi-tasking lol. There will be another part to the whole Christmas section as I couldn't fit it all in my word count. So... yeah!

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