➩he gets mad

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(y/bf/n) stands for your boyfriend's name.

Lately me and my boyfriend have been having some problems. Well, not just some problems actually - more like a lot of problems.

"Just get out of my house, bitch! I don't want to see your ugly ass face ever again!!" He yelled, making tears roll down my face, "leave bitch!!"

I ran out of the house, regretting everything I did for him and all along meeting him. I decided to call Harry, my best friend.

"Hey love," he said, obviously smiling through the phone.

"H-hi, Harry," I chocked up, "can I c-come over?"

"Of course love, are you okay?" He questioned as I started to walk to his house.

"I don't know, Harry. I just really could use a friend right now. I'll talk to you about it when I get there," I said.

"Okay love. I'll be here," he said.

"Okay," I said before ending the call, proceeding my walk to his house.

{10 minutes later, Harry's house}

I knocked on the door and it opened immediately, revealing Harry with open arms to hug me.

"Come in, (y/n), come in," he said, moving out of the doorway for me to walk in, "now, what's wrong?"

"It's (y/bf/n)," I mumbled.

His face went red, and he clenched his jawline, which to me was extremely hot but at the moment I was a bit worried.

"My god (y/n), I thought you were done with that asshole a long time ago!" He yelled, making me flinch and a tear to roll down my cheek.

"No, (y/n), please don't cry. I hate to see you upset because of me. I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just that I'm upset about the fact that you're still with that guy that hurt you countless times."

"I-I'm sorry Harry, I just didn't know what he would do to me if I left him without his permission," I whimpered.

"His permission?! (y/n), you're 18 years old! You should have full control over what you do!!" He said, making me cry even more.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I'm just frustrated, mad, angry. I'm angry that someone as intelligent as you would fall for that son of a bitch."

He paced around the room, his hands running through his short hair and his jaw still clenched.

"It's just, you deserve someone so much better! You're my best friend (y/n), and ever since you started dating that other guy, I just knew that there wasn't something good about him."

He sat down on the sofa next to me and looked at me, "you deserve someone who will love you for who you are, and someone who won't use you."

He pulled me closer to him, his long arms wrapping around my small, shaking body. He held me and told me that everything was going to be okay, and that we'd get through this together.

"I just, I don't want you to get hurt (y/n). You mean so much to me and I can't let the fact that (y/bf/n) is hurting you just pass by."

"Thank you, Harry-"

"I love you," he said, taking my face in his hands and brushing my bangs out of the way.

"You - you what?" I questioned, not being able to take in what he just said.

"God, I love you (y/n). More than anything, and I wish that you would understand that, because you deserve so much better than that douche out there."

Tears started to brim, but not sad tears, happy tears. I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck and hugged him tightly.

"And I hope you feel the same way," he said, wrapping his arms around my torso, "because I care a hell of a lot about you."

"I - I love you too Harry," I smiled against his shoulder, feeling his grip tighten around my waist.

"I can't believe this is finally happening, but, (y/n), will you make me the happiest man on the planet and be my girlfriend?"

Tears started falling down my cheeks right after he said that. I couldn't believe this was happening either, and I'm glad it was.

"Y-yes Harry. I will be your girlfriend," I looked up into his bright emerald eyes, he came closer and closer until his lips were attached to mine.

Our lips moved in sync, the kiss not breaking for around 5 minutes, then he pulled back.

"I love you baby," he said, giving my lips a peck one more time.

"I love you too babe," I giggled, kissing him back.

We continued our make out session until three loud knocks on the door stopped us.

"Wait here babygirl," he said, getting up off the sofa and looking through the peephole.

"Hide. Go hide right now." He said, fear spread across his face, "it's (y/bf/n)."

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