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🌨narrators pov🌨

(y/n) walked down the busy school hallways trying to keep her crap together before she got home.

her head was pounding, as well as her heart, feeling like people were judging her by the clothes she decided to wear today.

she finally left the school in what she was wearing which was a pair of black ripped jeans and a sweater, which was nowhere near the school stereotype expectations.

at her school, girls were supposed to wear black leggings, and a sweater. not skinny jeans.

she walked home as quick as possible, hoping to beat the bullies that were not too far away from her. she panicked as she heard them laughing from behind her.

"what the fuck is (y/n) wearing, it's so.. out of style and old," one of the girls said, everyone laughing right after.

she started running.

"HA, LOOK AT HER RUN, SHE'S GONNA GO HOME AND CRY TO HER MUMMY," the kids laughed, making her stop.

(y/n)'s heart split in half.

she turned around and faced the bullies.

"what did you just say to me?" she said, slowly walking towards them seeing that they had stopped walking.

"You're, you're gonna go home and CRY TO YOUR MUMMY," he harassed her once again. but she was mad now.

she took her bag off, grabbed the boy's arm, and flipped him over onto the cement ground, his arm breaking as she did so.

"don't EVER, make fun of my mother again, or you'll regret it, and so will your friends," she said before picking up her bag and walking home.


(y/n) walked into the front door of her house, seeing that both her father and her mum were home from work early that day.

"mum! dad! i'm home!" she said, then seeing her 2 year old sister Olivia run towards her, smiling. her father, harry, walked in right after.

"hi dad," she said, hugging her father after a long day at school and work, him hugging her back and asking her how her day was, "where's mum?"

"she's upstairs love," he smiled, (y/n) running upstairs right after.

she went into her parents room, looking on the cabinet seeing the picture of her mum and the bottle of ashes that sat right next to it;

for (y/n)'s mum had died in a car crash last year, driving home on a snowy christmas night.


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