➩Graduation Surprise

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okay so before I start i'd like to thank Wolferpup for giving me this idea as well as many others ! she really helped me and she won the contest from the last update !! on with the imagine !

I finished my final look for my graduation ceremony, feeling a bit upset hearing that my boyfriend, Harry, wasn't going to be able to make it.

"(y/n)! Are you almost ready?!" My mom yelled from downstairs, signaling that I needed to hurry up.

"Yes mom! Just give me a minute!" I yelled back as I picked up my flats that I would be wearing.

No way in hell am I wearing heels to my graduation. Never did, never will. (for me that's a lie; I actually wore heels to my 8th grade graduation and ended up getting blisters)

"Wow, you look beautiful darling. I can't believe my baby girl is graduating high school!!" She said as she gave me a hug, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you mom," I felt good to the point where I remembered Harry wasn't going to be there, "it's too bad Harry's not gonna be there."

"What?! (y/n) are you serious? He's your boyfriend he should be there, he's always busy.. shouldn't you find someone else who will be there for you?"

Just the thought of letting Harry go split my heart into pieces. He was the love of my life, and just because he couldn't be there for my graduation doesn't mean I have to let him go.

"Because mom, Harry is the love of my life. I can't just let him go just like that! I have to give him a chance, like you did for dad but it didn't turn out so well."

My mom and dad got divorced when I was 15. It was heartbreaking but it was the best for my mom and me. Plus my mom gave him like a million chances but he just declined them all.

"Yeah, and what if he's like-"

"Mom. Harry's nothing like that. He's done nothing wrong, now let's go," I said as I walked to the car.

"Okay, if you say so," she sighed as she started the engine and drove to graduation.

{•20 minutes later•}

We pulled up the the arena the ceremony was being held at and walked up to it. When we got inside we said hello to all our friends and starting moving into the stadium.

"Okay, I'll be up at the top if you want to come and find me after. I'll be here," my mom said as we departed, me going near the stage while she found her seat.

"Okay mom. I love you," I said back.

"I love you too."

We walked away and I traveled with my friends. On the way there I saw a guy that almost looked like Harry, but I just brushed it off.

The graduation started, and since my last name started with a B, for Bensen (lol my real last name. you like it ? Hannah Bensen) I was near the first ones to go.

"(y/n) Bensen," they called my name and I walked up to the stage, trying my best to not look awkward and weird.

But as I was walking back, I saw someone who I thought I wasn't seeing for another week.

It was Harry.

The emerald green eyes, the slick jawline, the dimples as he smiled at me, and the beautiful short chocolate brown hair. That was all him and I couldn't believe he was there.

I sat back down and the ceremony went on, finally ending with Zilinski was called to be the last name of the students there.

They did this whole speech thing about how we'd go far and how proud they were of us, and that they knew that we would all provide a good future for ourselves.

Even though some kids planned on not going to college and starting their life on food, Netflix, and working at Party City for a living.

They handed out awards and stuff before they all dismissed us, me taking my phone out of the pocket of my dress and seeing I had a text from Harry.

Harry ❤️: hey babygirl. I'm so proud of you. Meet me by my seat and I'll give you something. I love you, H 💜

I smiled down at the text and looked up, seeing his slender yet strong figure.

"Harry!" I ran to him and jumped into his arms, burying my face in his neck and giving his lips a kiss.

"I'm so proud of you baby," he kissed my lips, "now let's go find your mom."

"Okay," I smiled as he took my small hand in his big one, tangling our fingers together.

"Oh by the way," he said, pulling out a bouquet of red roses, "these are for you."

"Thank you Haz, they're beautiful," I smelled them and smiled, thankful of the life I had with Harry in it.

About taking 20 minutes to look for my mom, we found her. She had her arms open and I ran into them, wrapping my arms gently around her neck.

"Mom! Look who's here!" I looked at Harry and he was walking over. My mom's face lit up at the sight of him.

"Oh! You came!" She hugged him and it made me smile. I loved the bond my mom and Harry had when they were around each other.

(909 words not counting this.)

"I ditched my plans for (y/n). There was no way I was missing out on the finishing touch of her success over the years," he pulled me over and wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

"Well I'm very glad you came," she smiled, "now, frozen yogurt anyone?"

That night we all just hung out and Harry ended up sleeping at our place in the same bed as me.

"I love you (y/n)," he said as he held me close to his bare chest, rubbing circles on my back.

"I love love you too Harry," I said before dozing off in Harry's arms.

this chapter is amazing. thank you Wolferpup for requesting it, you're literally a lifesaver.

All the love, H 🥀

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