🌨Author's Note

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hello loves,

i know this isn't an update but i have several things i need to say. i've never told anyone this and i feel i should tell you.

i have severe anxiety.

i know that this isn't anything surprising, but in order for you to understand the next chapter i need to tell you that.

the next chapter is basically going to be the story of my life, i will be using my name but i will be talking in my point of view.

another thing i need to tell you is that the next chapter may take a while, but i will try to get it uploaded as soon as possible.

if you are under the age of 13, i recommend you don't read the next chapter warning you that it's going to involve swears, self harm, and physical abuse. it's your choice though.

i really hope you take the next chapter seriously, i'm not going to be posting this for attention, i just want to.. speak out for others who can't and show them that they're not alone.

new chapter will be up as soon as possible.

all the love, H 💓

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