☞Bad boy Styles (part 1)

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Harry Styles.

Possibly the most conceded, rude, savage-like, chick magnet boy in school.

Every girl loved him, maybe even some boys and definitely some teachers. C'mon Mrs. Robinson, I've seen the way you've looked at him in class.

Then there's me.

Known as the most self-confident, relatable, serious person in school. I was like Belle and every boy was Gaston, they liked me and I simply didn't like them whatsoever.

I walked to my locker, getting stares from all the boys in the hall like I was prey to them. Disgusting little bastards.

Then he saw me.

Yes, Harry badass Styles. Walking down the hall in his black skinny jeans, black leather jacket, black combat boots, and the only thing that wasn't black, his white t-shirt.

"(Y/N)," he said, leaning against the locker next to mine as I got my things for the next class.

"Styles," I closed my locker and walked away, all the girls looking at me like I was on drugs or something while he followed me.

"What are your plans tonight," he said, wrapping his arm over my shoulder as I looked straight ahead.

"Oh I don't know," I stopped, "maybe to stay as far away from you as possible," I walked away from him.

"Oh come on (Y/N). It's your chance to go out with all of this," he showed off his muscles, "I know you want to deep down."

"Funny Harry. Very very funny. But I've seen what you do with girls; you take them out one night and make them feel loved, then the next day you call her a slut and act like nothing happened."


"Truth. I'm not stupid, I'm also not becoming one of your little girl toys that you can just charm and throw under the bus the next day. No thanks."

"(Y/N), that's bullshit and you fucking know it!" He yelled, getting everyone's attention in the hall.

I just ignored him and walked away to my next class. I wasn't falling for any of his crap no matter how hard he tired.

That night.

"(Y/N), please dress nice. We have a guest coming over. You don't have to dress all fancy but don't wear sweatpants and a t-shirt okay?" My mom said from the kitchen.

"Okay mom!" I said from my room, changing into something better than what I was wearing.

I went in my closet and picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a black sweater. I got dressed and did my hair better, then went downstairs.

"You look nice," my mom said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Who's coming for dinner?" I said.

"This boy from your school. Harry Styles I believe his name is," she said, making me feel nervous all over.

I heard three knocks on the door, making my head turn at the speed of light.

"Can you go get that (Y/N)?" She said, me getting up and opening the door only to see the devil himself.

"(Y/N), nice seeing you again," he smirked, making me roll my eyes, "can I come in?"

I moved out of the way and he walked in, taking his shoes off and walking to the kitchen where my mom was.

"Harry, glad you made it!" She smiled, hugging him, me noticing that he wasn't wearing all black.

"(Y/N), you know Harry right?" My mom said, grabbing my attention and making me cross my arms.

"Oh, of course I do," I said with a bit of an attitude as I walked into the kitchen.

"Be nice. Don't have an attitude while there's a guest here missy."

Oh mom, if only you knew how Harry really was. Then you wouldn't even let him set foot into this house.

"Sorry," I said sarcastically, motioning Harry to come over by me, as he did so.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I hissed, making sure my mom wouldn't hear me.

"Well, your mom actually was very kind to invite me over. She said that I would be the perfect match for you," he smirked.

"Oh save it Styles. Never in a million years will I date you," I scoffed as I walked away.

"Oh honey, I'll make you love me."

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