➩"I heard mommy screaming" (short)

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I woke up one morning, remembering the pleasure that me and Harry had shared last night.

I looked down at my husband, he was looking right at me and smiling, more like a slight smirk actually.

"What are you smiling at? Ya goof," I laughed, playing with his messy short hair.

"You," he said, "you and last night, and the pleasure we shared together."

"You don't think Darcy heard us right?" I asked, worrying about the sounds coming from our room and hopefully not scaring my three year old's ears.

"Baby, it was at 11 o' clock. She was probably sound asleep," he said as he pulled me close to his chest.

"Yeah but-"

"(y/n), I think we're fine," he smiled, rubbing his hand up and down my naked back, "now let's get dressed, and go have some tea."

Me and Harry got dressed and went downstairs. Darcy came down about 10 minutes later.

"Daddy?" She said as she sat on Harry's lap.

"Yes baby girl?"

"Did mommy have a nightmare last night?" She said as she looked up at both of us with innocent eyes.

"No I don't think so, why?" He said.

"Because I heard mommy screaming."

Mine and Harry's eyes widened, our heads turning to look at each other.

I told you so.

"Well - yes mommy did have a nightmare. Right mommy?" Harry said, both of them looking at me.

"Y-yeah! It was quite scary."

"Oh, okay!" She smiled as she got off Harry's lap and skipped away, a wave of relief going through me and Harry.

"I told you she heard us," I said, loud enough for only him to hear.

"How was I supposed to know?" He said back, "just - be quieter next time. Unless we're alone."

"Whatever you say Styles. Whatever you say," I laughed.

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