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I woke up one night hearing scratching sounds coming from the bathroom. I crawled out of bed and walked towards it.

"Harry?" I looked back only to see that my husband Harry was not in bed, which of course concerned me a bit.

I opened the door and shrieked at the sight. Harry was towering over me with jet black eyes staring down at me. 

"H-Harry? What's wrong?" I said walking back, seeing him walk towards me. I looked down at his hands and saw razor sharp claws.

"Who's Harry? Oh yeah, he's gone," the demonic creature laughed at me. He slammed me against the wall and smiled, revealing his sharp teeth.

"N-No! This is all just a nightmare, Harry is really laying in bed next to me! All I have to do is wake up!" I cried, trying to get his grip off me.

"Oh (y/n)," he laughed at my face, "this is everything but a dream. Your little husband Harry is dead, and as my master told me.. you're next."

He dug his claws into my skin, making me whimper and cry in pain and fall to the floor. The pain carried through my body and up my spine.

"Going exactly as planned, now-"

"(Y/n)! Oh my god what's going on?!" I heard a man say after mine and Harry's door opened. Finally I recognized who it was.


"L-Liam! Please help me!" I cried, feeling the life being sucked out of me every second, my heartbeat getting quicker.

"Get off her! Wait, Harry?" He looked at the creature as it continued to hurt me, I felt my breath start to slow down. I was dying.

"Liam.." I mumbled, barley able to speak as I started to go faint. The vision around me was going black and I could already picture my funeral.

"Oh my god," he looked at me and quickly acted, "okay (y/n), this might hurt a little but you need to let me do this if you want to live."

"Okay.." I said before he started pulling the claws out of my shoulders, me digging my nails into the carpet and crying as he did so.

The demonic spirit faded away, only for my wounds to be healed and see Harry collapse onto the floor. He looked lifeless.

"Harry!" I yelled, shaking him by his shoulders and Liam wondering what the hell just happened.

"(y/n)?" I heard him say, making tears of joy run down my cheeks. He was alive. My husband was alive and everything was okay.

"What happened?" He said as he embraced me in his arms, gaining his personality back, me feeling loved at his touch.

"Some demon thing came and looked just like you. It started digging its nails into my shoulders and I almost died and-"

He cut me off by pressing his lips onto mine, me kissing him back, "I'm glad you're alive," he said.

"I'm glad you're alive too. Liam helped me stop it," I said, looking up at Liam's silhouette in the dark.

"Thanks man, you can go back home now," Harry said, getting up and shaking his hand and taking me up with him.

"No problem," he said before he left the house, Harry kissing my lips once more.

"I love you," I said, "now let's get back to bed. I'm tired after all of that and I have you."

"I love you too."

We crawled back into bed and for the whole night, Harry had his arms wrapped securely around me, never letting me go.


Hey loves !

I really hope you enjoyed this fanfic, it kinda gave me the chills while writing it.

So as I was saying, I'd like to announce that I am now in the United States for  4 WEEKS !!

Now I don't know how many of you live in the US, but if you do, that's great !!

I am currently in Texas, next week I'll be going to Indiana, the next week California, and lastly I'll be going to FLORIDA !!

Sadly I won't be able to have any time to meet all of you :( but if we run into each other that would make me so happy !

All the love, H 🥀

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