Day 1

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Amber's POV
I woke up to another fateful day in the adoption centre, suddenly I remembered it's adoption day. Which basically means another day of rejection, oh joy (note sarcasm).
I didn't really bother helping everyone to get everything ready because all they do for me is just put me down. So no definitely not gonna help them.

I put on my headphones and put my idols music on, Ariana Grande. If it wasn't for her to be honest I wouldn't even be here, she's like the only reason as to why I live. She means so much to me.
"Amber! Come down this instant!" Shouted Mrs Mauley, she was the caretaker, though she wasn't really caring.
I inwardly groaned.
"Coming Mrs Mauley !" I replied.

I went down the stairs to see everyone lined up, adoption day has started already. Well, I guess...
"Line up next to Abbie." She said.
I went next to her. I looked out the window to see a whit Range Rover with tinted windows pull up. I saw a petite figure stepping out of the car, I immediately knew who it was, my mouth agape, no words could come out my mouth as she entered the adoption centre, I felt like crying.
"Ah, Mrs Grande, please come here and we'll show you our kids." Said Mrs Mauley in her pretend sweet voice.
Ariana Grande stepped in. My heartbeat quickened.

"Hi.." She said in her cute voice.
"Now, in looking for someone young, but not too young, someone I can have fun with." She smiled. That smile though...

I don't know if it's just me but she keeps giving me quick glances. Could it be me?!? Ugh nah, don't keep your hopes up Amber.
Suddenly I saw her walk up to me.
"Hi, what's ur name?" She asked.
"M-My name is A-Amber.." I stuttered. I'm such an idiot ugh.
"Aww so cute, I want you." She said.
"What.." I said speechless.
"That's right, Mrs Mauley I'd like to have Amber please." She said.
"Oh of course." Said Mrs Mauley.
"Right then sweetheart, go pack your things." Ariana said.
"O-Ok." I stuttered once again.
I rushed upstairs grabbed everything and put it in a suitcase which only took me a minute since I only 3 outfits and one pair of shoes. I rushed down and saw Ariana waiting for me by the door.
"I've signed the papers while you were upstairs." Ariana said.
"Oh, ok."
She took my suitcase from me but immediately frowned.
"Why's it so light?" She asked.
"Well, I don't have much." I replied.
"Well then, we'll have to go shopping then, but not today maybe tomorrow." She winked at me.

She held my hand and we went to her Range Rover, she put my suitcase in the boot and sat in the drivers seat.

Everything was quiet until Ariana spoke up.
"So, tell me about yourself, since I don't know that much about you." She said.
"Well, I'm 13 years old, my birthdays on 16th June 2003, my full name is Amber Rose." I exclaimed.
"Nuh huh it's Amber GRANDE now." She smiled.
"Yeah.." I said, still can't get my head round what's happening.
We arrive at Ari's house and let me tell you, the word huge is a mis under statement.
Ariana unlocked the door and lead me to my room.
"You ready?" She asked. Her hands covering my face. She opened them.
I don't think I can close my mouth...
It was beautiful.
The colour was Lavender. A flat screen TV and a balcony, I could t ask for more.
I rushed up to Ari and gave her the biggest hug.
"Thank you so much Ari."
"Anything for you my moonlight, and call me mum now." She smiled. Though I don't think I can, I don't wanna break Ariana's heart or anything but I still love my family even though they're dead, I still haven't moved on that much. So I just stayed quiet.

Ariana's POV
I noticed that when u told Amber to call me mum she just suddenly went quiet. I felt quite hurt but then again she needs time to adjust.
I love her so much, as soon as I walked into the adoption centre I just knew she was the one. I wouldn't trade her for anything.
"Amber baby come down it's dinner time." I shouted dont downstairs.
"K coming Ari." She replied.
I sighed, she didn't call me mum, I really really want her to, but I'll have to wait I guess.
I heard little footsteps from the stairs, I turned round to see Amber smiling at me. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.
"Dinners on the table babe." I said.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Its pasta."
We both sat at the table in complete silence. It was a bit weird so I decided to break it.
"So, Amber do you like everything then?" I asked .
"Of course Ariana! I absolutely love it, I really do, I love you so much." She said from her heart.
"Aww, my baby I love you too." I replied back.
"So um..Amber I wanted to say something.." I was quite nervous because I know she will not like what I'm about to say.
""Yeah sure, what is it?" She asked.
" two weeks you have school." I said nervously.
"What!?" She shouted.
"Amber keep your voice down at the table." I said.
"What?!, No?! I'm not going school! Last time I went through hell!! I'm not going again, I'm sorry but no!" She shouted. My anger coming up now.
"Amber this is not a question! Your going to school no matter what, you need an education! End of!" I shouted back.
"Ugh I hate you!" She shouted, and stomped back up to her room.
She said she hated me...
That hurt me so much, coming from my own daughter. I feel so sensitive all of sudden and tears stayed rolling down my cheeks. I left my food and went upstairs up to my room and later in bed.

Amber's POV
As I was laying frustrated in bed I heard quiet sobs from the next room. Ariana...
Did I hurt her that much? A pang of guilt came up in my chest. I now felt calm and knew what I just said. I really shouldn't of said that.. she was just helping me and stuff.
Great, I've ruined everything.
Though I couldn't help hearing her cry, it hurt me too much to I got out of my room and went to hers.
I knocked on the door.
"Ariana.." My voice came out croaky.
No reply.
"Ariana." I said more solidly.
"If you won't say anything I'll just come in myself then." I said.
Still no reply.
I just opened the door to see her laying in bed sniffling. I hurt her.. bad.
Tears started rolling down my cheeks fast.
"Ariana I'm so sorry I love you so much." I said, rushing up to her. She looked up to me, sniffling.
"I love you too, just promise you won't ever say that again." She said.
"I promise, I love you." I said.
We layed together in each others arms on her bed in warmth.

Ariana's POV
I'm glad she came. I love her too much.
I heard her snore quietly, I giggle to myself. I kiss her forehead and say, "goodnight my moonlight." I didn't know she wasn't fully asleep until she said, " goodnight mum." No way...
She said mum!!! Yes! There's no other better way to end the day like this..

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