Troubles already

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Ariana's POV
I woke up to see Amber snoring peacefully by my side. Aww she looks so cute, I love her so much and I still can't get over that she said mum to me last night. She never did.

I looked over to my alarm clock to see it was 8:15am, I'll let Amber sleep in for a while.
I got a of bed cautiously, trying not to wake Amber up. I changed my clothes into a white oversized jumper and some black leggings. I walk towards Amber's room because I forgot to put some of her clothes away from yesterday, from her tiny suitcase.
As I was taking her clothes out of it, I notice some kinda book at the bottom of it, I couldn't help but to see what it was. I reached to grab it, a diary..?  Why does Amber have a diary, and what would she write in it? Only one way to find out.
*30 minutes later*
I was on Amber's bed, in tears as I was reading what written in this dreadful diary. I thought I knew Amber....well clearly not. Why wouldn't she tell me about all this? What the fuck is this girl playing at?! I don't know why, but anger was seeping in me, even though I know I shouldn't be angry about this but I can't help it. My anger took the best of me, and before I knew it I was stomping back to where I left Amber.
I go into my room to see her coming out of the bathroom. 
"Amber!" I shouted.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" She frowned, but as soon as she saw I had her diary in my hand, she dropped everything and her face went pale.
"Mum, I swear it's not what it seems." She tried to say but I cut her off.
"Oh really!!! It really isn't what it seems! Your right your not what you seem! You bitch how could you hide something like that?!?" She was clearly shocked about how I reacted to all this.
"I promise you mum I swear it wasn't my fault, I-I was forced to, he forced me into it, and I couldn't stop it." She was no in tears.
"You slut! I can't believe I adopted a used, raped kid as my daughter!" My face red from anger.
She started going into hysterics but I didn't care, I was vex right now.
"Mum please..." She tried saying, but...
I slapped her...
"N-No way.." she stuttered.
I was finally in my senses...
I realised what I had just done..
I'm a monster...
I looked into Amber's eyes to see her hurtful and full of fear...
From me...
I tried touching her shoulder.
"G-Get off me Ariana!" She shouted. She didn't say mum...
"Amber baby, please.." I tried holding her she wouldn't let me, tears falling from eyes.
She cautiously got up and started going around me.
"D-Don't come n-near me.." She said.
She's scared of me...
My own daughters scared of me..
She ran out of my room and went in hers, I heard the door lock..
I grabbed my hair in frustration.
What the fuck have I done?!?!
How the hell am I gonna sort this out now??
I think I need to give her some time to herself first..
Then try something.
*The Next Day* (it's still in Ari's POV btw)
My night was sleepless, all I could think about was Amber, and what she could be doing in her room. I still don't know what to do yet, she's so scared of me, she won't even let me near her I don't kn-wait!!! How could I be so stupid?!? Amber locked her room, but I completely forgot I had a spare key in case she lost that one! Yaaas! I quickly get off my bed not bothering to change my black tank top and black shorts. I run to my dressing drawer to find the key, I grabbed it and now cautiously made my way to Amber's room.

I didn't want to startle her, so I decided to take it slow.
"A-Amber..?" Why am I stuttering???
All I heard were sniffles in her room, I can't believe I made that happen.
"A-Amber baby, please open the door, I promise I won't h-hurt you." Tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.
Still no answer.
Guess I'm gonna have to unlock the door then.
I grabbed the key and twisted it in the key lock, trying not to make any noise.
I carefully open the door to see Amber in a tiny ball in the corner of her room, rocking backwards and forwards, I couldn't help myself but to rush to her.
"A-Amber baby!" I reached up to her but she dodged me.
"No, its me Amber, Ariana, please look at me, it's me... I won't hurt you, I promise.."
She looked up at me, though she had pure hatred in her eyes.
"Did you not understand what I just said?! Get away from me, you monster I hate you!" She screeched at me, an ear-piercing shout.
"A-Amber." I lift her chin to look at me but she quickly slapped it away.
"G-Gey away from me Ariana before I call the police, and they'll take me back to the orphanage!" She threatened.
I saw her phone on her bedside table, I quickly grabbed knowing she won't be able to do that now.
"Amber please, I need you in my life your actually the best thing that's ever happened to me. The way I reacted to that was horrific and no child should've gone through what I did to you. I admit I'm a monster, I'm not fit for being a mother, but I love you with all my heart, and I can't let you go, I just can't, you mean too much to me. I'll do anything to make it up to you, I'll treat like a pure princess and if this happens again, which obviously never will, you can straight away call the police and you an go back to the orphanage. But I need you, and I'll do whatever it takes for you to love me back again, and to trust me, please Amber, just one more chance.." I pleaded with everything I had in me, I said what I felt in my heart.

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