Lazy Day

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Ariana's POV
It was morning now. I see Amber wrapped around my waist, softly snoring. Wait she slept with me...? Oh well, I find that really good, she's getting closer with me again. I smile at myself.

I carefully unwrap Amber's arms from around my waist, making sure I don't wake her up.
I go downstairs and make breakfast, I make Amber some pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on top, the same for me as well. I bring them upstairs in a tray to Amber.
"Amber baby wake up." I said, softly shaking her.
She woke up easily, surprisingly.
"Uh, Ari? Oh what is it?" She asked groggily.
"Oh, I just made you and I breakfast." I smiled.
I put the tray in her lap once she got up.
"Eat up." I said, smiling at her as she looked at me with amazed eyes.
"Y-You really did this for me Ari..?" She asks.
"Of course I did Moonlight, now gimme some." I said hungrily, making her chuckle. She handed me my pancakes as I ate them.
"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked her.
"I don't know, whatever fits you." She said.
"Amber ya know you have to choose sometimes, you gotta know what fun feels like." I giggled.
"Ok then, about we watch a horror movie today?" She asks.
"YAAAS BEST IDEA SO FAR!!" I squealed like a fan girl.
"Ok ok!! Calm down!" Amber giggled.
I cleaned everything up and got everything ready, to watch. I closed all the curtains everywhere, I put loads of pillows everywhere on the bed to hold onto, and I grabbed loads of snacks while Amber picked some onesies to wear.
We both wore matching unicorn onesies.
"So what do you wanna watch my love?" I asked.
"Oooo I know, let's watch Paranormal Activity 2??" She says.
Surprisingly I gulped when she said that.
You see, I've seen that movie before but that's not the reason why I don't feel like watching it, I don't feel like watching it because it freaks me out since I've had encounters with demons and things believe it or not, and that movie, it's all real footage, no fake shit is on there and it makes me feel a bit anxious that such things like that could happen.
"Hellooooo?? Ariana Grande-Buteraaa??" She said my full name, it's like we're sisters goddammit.
"Uh, oh? Um...yeah sure, we'll watch that." I smiled, well kind of.
"You aren't scared are you?" She asked, smirking.
"Ughhh Amber I'm not just put the movie on." I giggled half-heartedly.
I moved closer to Amber, literally putting my legs on top of hers and snuggling with her, under the covers.
"You alright there?" Amber giggled.
"I'm fine thanks." I smiles cheekily.
"Um..Ariana before we watch the movie, I wanted to talk to you about something." Amber said nervously.
I quickly sat up, facing directly her.
"Sure Moonlight, what is it?" I asked.
", what relation are we to be honest..?" She asked.
"Um...well your my I guess I'm your mum?" I asked/chuckled.
"Yeah but, don't you think, like, as in, oh I don't know Ariana...but don't you feel like we'd be better if we were sisters..?" She rambled.
" well I never thought of it. I thought this relation is best, ya know what I mean?"
"Oh, ok then." She smiled.
"K, cool, now let's watch that movie." I smiled back.
    __Half Way Through The Movie__
"Oh my god, why is she going back to the flipping kitchen, is Kristie mad?!?!" I said, tears started coming for som reason, I didn't like this.
Amber glanced at me then immediately shut the movie off.
"Ari, it's only a movie." She giggled.
"I know but, why would they crackhead go BACK to the kitchen when all the cupboards and everything opened, to close them, is she MADD." I said.
"I think so." Amber said.
She sighed.
"Lets go to sleep anyway, it's getting late Moonlight." I said.
"Yeah sure."
We both tucked into bed and went to sleep. :)
__The Next Day__
I wake to see Amber not there. Hmm...weird.
I get up and do my daily routine in the bathroom and change my clothes in some sweats.
I go downstairs while saying, "Amber honey, where are you?" I call.
"I'm over here!" She shouted from the lounge. I walk up to her and sit next to her.
"Hiiii." I smiled.
"Hiii." She giggled.
"Would you like to go Starbucks today my love?" I asked.
"Yeah okay, I'll just change."
I waited downstairs for Amber.
She came down in some ripped light blue shorts, an America kinda ripped crop top and her hair up in a ponytail.
"Right, let's get going then." I smiled.
I put my disguise on, since I'm famous, so no one can interrupt us while we are eating or get mobbed.
We got in the car and set off.

__Skip Car Drive__
We walked up to Starbucks when I saw a familiar face outside the shop, smoking. I knew it exactly who it was.
"Hey Sean!!" I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Woah, hey Ari, I didn't expect to see you." He chuckled.
"Looking beautiful as always." He said.
I blushed.
I don't know if you know but I've had a massive crush on Sean for quite a while now.
"Right, um..would you like to come and eat with us?"
"Us...?" He asked.
Then his eye caught Amber's.
"Ah, who's this?" He asked, smiling.
"This is Amber, my adopted daughter." I smiled.
"Well, uh, nice to meet you." He said, with a bit of sourness, but I just shrugged it off.
"Y-You too." Amber stuttered.
"Right, let's get going then." I smiled.
Me, Sean and Amber walked into Starbucks and ordered what we wanted and sat down on a table. I decided to introduce Amber to Sean.
"So, um...Amber this is Sean and Sean this is Amber, as you know. Sean's a rapper, we've known eachother for quite a years now." I smiled.
"Cool, um it's nice to meet you." Amber said politely.
"You too then." He said, something seems a bit off with him, I don't know what though, hm...

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