The Results...

522 13 16

Ariana's POV
I woke up and I immediately start to cough, It starts to get bad so I go to the bathroom and stand in front of the sink.
I carry on coughing with my hand in front of my mouth, I look at it to see blood all over it..
What's happening?!
I suddenly feel like I need to spit something out, so I spit blood out.
Where's all the blood coming from?!
I just can't let Amber know about any of this, she'll freak out.
I'm sure it's nothing..
My results will be posted this afternoon, I'll find out then.
When they come I'll immediately hide them from Amber, I just don't want her worrying or anything.
I quickly wash off any blood in sight and  wash myself then go out the bathroom.
I'm glad I didn't wake Amber up.
I've been thinking instead of enrolling her in a public school, I'll just get her homeschooled.
I go downstairs slowly, trying not to get the dizzy.
I go into the lounge and start watching TV. Yes I know, I'm a lazy lump.
•The Afternoon•
My results should arrive anytime soon.
Suddenly I hear tiny footsteps coming down the stairs.
I see Amber sleepily coming my way.
"Well someone decided to finally wake up." I chuckle.
"Ugh shut up." She says snuggling in to me. "How's my life doing." I say.
"How would I know, it's your life." She chuckles.
She doesn't know what I mean.
"I don't mean that way, you are my life so I said 'how's my life doin' get it?" I chuckle.
"Yes." She nods her head.
I pull her onto my lap and she says,
"Ari please don't ever leave me, I feel safe when I'm around you, like nobody can touch me because you're here with me, protecting me.." She cries.
"Baby, I'm right here, ok? I'm not leaving, not even sometimes. I love you, and I vow that even if I go I'll look upon you always, you'll know I'll be right there, so if I do go, just know I'm not actually gone, I'm still here in your heart, being proud of doing whatever you do in life." I say, a tear rolls down my cheeks.
I think I'm dying..that's why I said it, in case I do.
"W-Why'd you say that Ari, you aren't gonna die, you're gonna stay right here with me." She sobs, cupping my cheeks.
"Shhh, just relax baby I'm here ok? I was just saying, o-of course I'm not gonna go..." I say quietly.
"Baby I'm hungry." I pout, changing the subject.
She giggles.
"I'll make some breakfast for my queen." She chuckles.
"Thank you princess." I smile, kissing her cheek.

I sit down and try to relax, the pain in my head is still there, but it's kinda getting better now.
Suddenly I hear a letter being posted.
Shit. My results.
What am I gonna say to Amber?
I'm gonna have to make some kind of excuse to read them without Amber seeing them...
Oh god, I guess I'm gonna have to do what I have in mind.
"Amber, I'm gonna be upstairs for a while, just leave my breakfast on the table and don't come in my room." I say, hoping she won't ask why.
"Why?" She asks confused.
Of course she would.
"U-Um...ya know just girl stuff." I say embarrassed as fuck.
She starts to laugh.
"Ugh anyway I'm going in my room, don't you dare come in." I say giving her the evils.
"Okay." She giggles.
I quickly take the letter and run into my room, locking the door.
I sit on my bed.
What if the results are bad?
Nah just think positive..
I slowly open the results to see a huge letter.
Great imma have to read this now.
After I finish reading it I was in tears...
I've been diagnosed with c-cancer..
Lung cancer..
They say it could be of my smoking and that I need to quit.
But I can't quit smoking.
I don't know what to do.
It also says I may not have very long to live and go to the doctors asap, to get checked out and be put on medication to prevent the cancer from spreading, otherwise there's no other way stopping it.
By now I'm in literal tears, I'm leaving this world so early...
I can't leave my baby..
I need her.
I can't take it anymore,
I rush down to amber, I don't care about my stitch at this moment.
I rush to her making her confused and immediately pick her up and hug her.
I cry and cry.
"Ariana what's wrong??" She asks worriedly.
I put her down in the couch and I kneel in front of her,
"Baby I'm sorry I have to leave you so soon." I sob.
"W-What do you mean, I-I'm confused." She says.
"Baby I love you okay? Remember that, through all the things we've been in I still love you with all my heart, I'm never ever gonna leave you, mentally I'll be in your heart and whatever you do in life please again, remember I'll be proud of you, I'll be so so proud of you. And you have changed me so much and I thank you for that but bellissima I don't have long ok" I sob.
"W-What do you mean you don't have long?" She now sobs.
I know my type of cancer can't be cured, so what's the point of just suffering when I can end it all now.
"Baby, stay strong for me ok?" I say.
"I want you to do something for me, is that ok?" I ask, my tears now calming down.
"Y-Yes, what is it?" She asks.
"I want you to spend a whole day, without communication with me, literally nothing just pretend as if I don't even exist, don't come to this house or anything for the whole day, you stay at your friends house and have fun. You understand me? You don't come near this house and you don't even think of me, no communication with me in anyway, as I said, just pretend as if I don't even exist, if you do this for me, then you really love me, ok love?" I say.
"B-But why, what's happening?" She cries.
I cup her cheeks and say,
"Don't you worry about what's happening, you just do as I say, ok? You promise me?" I say.
"I-I p-promise..." She says quietly.
"Good girl I love you, now go pack just a few things and go over to one of your friends house, don't think about me. Just pretend I don't exist, have fun baby, ok?" I say.
"Okay." She says.
As she quickly packs her stuff I send her out the house and sigh.
Now I have to do the most hard part..
Amber's POV
What's happening with Ariana?!?
What's going on?!
Then suddenly I remembered not to think about her she said not to think about her if I love her, which I do but she sounded so so so serious when she said it, so I'm going to exactly what she says.
I just hope everything is well..
U go to one of my childhood friends who doesn't live far from here.
•The Whole Day Passes•
I rush back home because whole day has passed, I'm so excited that I did what Ari told me to do, I'm in the most happiest mood, I was jumping as I walk to her house. I bet she'll be so proud of me.
I take out the spare key she gave me and yell,
"Ari I'm home, I did it Ari, I did it!" I squeal.
No reply.
I get worried so I look all over the house, I go in her room to see the most horrible sight ever.
I scream, so loud it hurts my thirst.
"ARIANA!" I scream, crying.
The pain I have right now was imaginable.
The love of my life, had a rope around her neck, attached to the light on the ceiling..
She was completely lifeless.
She flopped in her place.
Suddenly I see a note attached to her hand, I quickly grab it, it says
Bellissima, you did it! You spent the whole day without communicating, I love you baby! Baby I did this because, I was dying... I was diagnosed with cancer...lung cancer, I knew there was no way surviving it, I only had a few days to live so I decided I might as well end it. Baby you are my life ok? You keep living your life don't worry about me. But I'm so proud you managed the whole day baby!! You don't know how happy I am, just do that everyday for me now please..? I love you Bellissima
- Ari
I scream and tear down everything.
I don't think I'll ever be sane again..

A/N: The end 😓💔

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