Drunk Hurts

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Ariana's POV
As we walked out of Starbucks Sean says, "So um..Ariana I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime?" He asked. Yesssss.
"Of course, you have my number, just text me whenever." I smiled at him, trying to keep my cool.
"Okay, thanks, bye." He waved as he went into his own car.
Me and Amber go into our car.
"Your really gonna go out with HIM?" Amber asks.
"Of course, why what's wrong with him?" I frowned.
"I don't know, there's something about him, I don't really like." She says uncomfortably.
"He's fine Amber, don't worry." I rolled my eyes.
"I don't think you can see it, but I can, Ariana I'm serious, I don't like him." She says in a serious tone.
"Well, I'm serious when I say there's nothing wrong with him. Why can't you just be happy for once?!" Getting frustrated.
"What do you mean by that?! Ariana I'm just trying to protect you!" She shouted.
"Well, I don't need protecting from my own daughter who's like 13 years old!" I shouted back.
She stayed quiet after that.
"I'm going out with him, no matter what, I like him." I said confidently.
Amber's eyes widened at this, but she didn't say anything. The rest of the car drive was pure silence.
__At Home__
I unlocked the door of the house and walked in as I slammed the door shut, making Amber flinch a bit.
I went upstairs in my room, and she went in hers slamming her door shut.
I sighed.
Why can't everything just be normal? Why do we always end up in some kind of fight?
I really needed to get my mind off Thai shit because to be honest, I really like Sean, and I can already tell Amber hates him.
I'm just gonna go out with Sean.
(Text message-Sean=S & Ariana=A)
A: Hey Sean, I know this is quite soon but would u like to hang out now, if u can? Xx
Like 1 minute later I got a reply.
S: Yeah sure, I'll be there in 5 xx
A: k cool, see u then
S: okay, bye x
I left it like that.
Amber's gonna be fucking pissed but, it's my life and she isn't the boss of me, in fact I'm her mum. So yeah...
I quickly get ready, when I hear a car horn outside. It must be Sean.
I go into Amber's room, not caring to knock, to see her on her phone on her bed.
I cough to get her attention.
"I'm going out with Sean, I'll be back late probably." I said, no tone or emotion in my voice.
She just scoffs.
"Yeah ok, as if I care." She says bitterly.
I don't know why but I felt quite sad.
"Bye...Moonlight." I said sadly.
But why did I call her Moonlight..?
I go outside to Sean in a sexy ass tuxedo. Whaaat?
He held the door open for me, I got in then he quickly jogged to go on his side.
"So where we goin'..?" I asked, as he got in.
"We're going to a club." He smirked.
That's quite a good idea to be honest. I do need to relive all the stress I've had lately.
"Good idea." I smiled.
"So you like clubs?" He asked, as he started driving.
"Of course."
"Wow...never knew such a innocent girl like you could liek something like that." He said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, slightly smirking.
"Well, you just don't look like the type." He quickly snaked his arm around my waist, but I didn't mind. At. All.
"Hmm...I wouldn't seem the type to do this wouldn't I..?" I asked, seductively as I traced my nail up to his chest then to his chin making him face me. He stopped the car on the side of the road.
I quickly got on top of him and started grinding on him.
"Don't seem the type to this either don't I?" I asked smirking.
"N-No.." He said.
"I like the impact I make on you." I whispered in his ear, making my voice raspy.
In lightening speed he put me against the wheel and started making out, it started getting intense.
__Skip Smut__
Amber's POV
I was in my room. Sitting. Thinking.
Ariana is my idol...
How can this be happening? I thought...I thought maybe she'd be different..
Suddenly I heard a massive bang, what caught my attention. I quickly run downstairs to see Ariana...
With alcohol...?
Wait, no, she just can't be, she's drunk?!
"A-Ariana?" I asked.
She slurred her way to me, and randomly dropped the bottle in front of me, making me scream. She quickly pushed my against the wall, her hand on my mouth.
"Shhhh, hush child, don't say a word." She croaked.
"A-Ariana p-please, why are you doing this?" I cried.
She grunted.
"Get to your room now!" She boomed.
I've never been so scared of Ariana.
She's not what she seems like...

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