Camping •Day 1•

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(A/N: the pic above is the place where Ari and Amber are staying^^^)
Ariana's POV
I wake up, tangled in Amber's arms and legs.
I slowly untangle myself from her, being careful not to wake her up. Thankfully I didn't.
I was thinking me and Amber could go canoeing today. It'd be really fun, and I know Amber would like it as well.
I made us some breakfast, which was just some normal sandwiches.
I go back in the tent holding the sandwiches.
"Amberrr baby, wake up, you need to eat love, and then we got a long day ahead of us." I say shaking her.
She grumbles but she wakes up.
"Ariii, it's too early for this shi-uhhhh shitaki marshmallow stuff." I knew what she was about to say, I tutted at her.
"No it's not, not get into some waterproof clothes, I put them in your suitcase for you."
I say.
"Ughhh okay." She grumbles.
She gets up and goes over to her suitcase in the corner of the tent and grabs her waterproof suit out.
"What exactly do I need this for?" She asked, confused.
"You'll see, it's a surprise." I say with a cheeky smile.
"Oh pleaseee just tell me will you." She begs.
"If I tell you then it won't be a surprise then will it?" I chuckle.
"Oh whatever." She chuckles.
"Now can you turn around please? I need to change." She says.
"What, I'm your mu-sister, why do I need to turn around?" I nervously laugh, because I was about to say mum instead.
"Ugh just turn around will you? I don't feel comfortable when people watch me change."
I then started to get curious, for some reason.
"Why love?" I ask quietly.
"I just don't." She says solidly.
I look at her sadly. Is she ashamed of her body?
Cause fuck, I know it may sound weird since I'm her...sister..but she actually has a body of a goddess, I'm not lying.
"Okay love." I smile at her sadly.
She sighs when I do, and starts changing.
After she changed, I start changing into my waterproof suit as well.
"Ariana, why are you changing in front of me, when I didn't let you change in front of me?" Amber asks.
"'Cause your my s-sister, ya know...? I'm not ashamed with my body." Oops...I think that came out a bit wrong..
"Oh, so your saying I'm ashamed of my body that's why I didn't change in front of you?!" She shouts, though sadness in her eyes.
"N-No love, it just came out wrong, I never said you were ashamed of your body, you've got a body of a goddess love, your so damn pretty, I was just saying in general, ya know what I mean?" I say.
"Yeah.., sorry I shouted.." she says quietly.
"It's okay love, now come on, we got a long day." I smile, ruffling her hair as I walk out the tent, she grumbles.
"K, coming."

"Right, now follow me." I say.
I lead Amber to the lake, where two canoes were parked up there.
"Are we going canoeing?" She asks hesitantly.
"Yup." I say, popping the 'p'.
"Um..Ari, I don't think this is really a good idea, you see I'm not very fond of canoes how about we do something else?" She says nervously.
She seriously can't be scared of canoeing.
"Oh nonsense Amber, you'll do fine, all you have to do is follow me." I reply, calmly.
"Meh." She mutters.
I tell her to get in.
"Are you sure this is a good idea Ariana?" She's asks, once again.
"Don't worry Amber, it's absolutely safe and fine." I sigh.
"Right, now copy what I do, and make sure you stay behind me, ok?"
I grab my oars, which were either side of me, and start moving them in a synchronised pattern, making the canoe go forward at an average speed.
I hear Amber whimper.
Then I felt her bump into my canoe.
"You alright there." I chuckle, as look behind me to see a nervous Amber.
"Yeah yeah, just tryna work these things." She says.
I noticed as we're going further we were going deeper.
"Can you swim?" I ask Amber.
"Why are we going to swim now??" She says in a worried tone.
"No, I was just wondering, so do you?"
"I can't swim." She says flatly.
"I can teach you." I say, as we keep moving forward nice and calmly.
"Aha, no thanks, I don't want to drown and die." She says.
"If I'm there with you, I'd never let you drown and die." I say.
She clears her throat and says,
"Come on, let's carry on." She says.
I sigh.
Suddenly I heard an ear piercing scream, I quickly turned around to see Amber's canoe upside down and her struggling to breath in the lake.
"AMBER!" I shout, as I let go of everything and jump straight into the lake.
She kept gasping for air.
I swam towards her as fast as I could and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close to me, as I swam back to my canoe, making sure she was safely on it before went on it.
She started choking as I patted her back.
"Amber what happened?!" I said, out of breath.
"I-I don't know, I f-felt this massive thud u-underneath my c-canoe and then all of a s-sudden it tipped over." She stuttered, clearly traumatised.
Something's not right, I have to get back to the camp. Quickly.
"Right Amber, take deep breaths and count I'm gonna take us back to the camp and I'll take care of you from there."
She nodded her head.
••Back at the camp••
I picked up Amber and took her into the tent, I layer her down.
"I'll be right back." I say getting up, though to feel something pulling me back, I turn around.
"W-Where you going? Please don't l-leave me." She cried.
"Don't worry love, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just getting some dry and comfortable clothes for you." I reassure her, kissing her forehead.
I go to her suitcase and get out a towel, a warm water bottle, sweets, some jeans with a mint green woolly jumper. This should be warm enough.
I go back to her.
"Sit up." I say.
She did what she was told to do, though shivering and shaking madly in the process.
I was about to take her swimsuit off before she stopped me.
"Woah, w-what are you doing?" She says.
"What does it look like, I'm taking your swimsuit off and putting your clothes on for you."
"It's fine I-I can do it myself." She says.
"No you can't, your shivering madly, I'm sorry but I'm not letting you do ANYTHING right now." I say sternly.
"O-ok fine t-then.." She says a bit intimidated.
I take off her swimsuit so see her soaking wet underneath as well. What's the point of the fucking swimsuit then?!
"Stand up please." She stood up.
I wrap a towel around her, then get another towel to dry her hair and face.
I then take off her crop top and shorts off, what she was wearing underneath her swimsuit.
I wanted to gasp..
She was basically bones, you could nearly see her whole rib cage!!!
I think she noticed me staring a bit too long since she said
"Ariana, please hurry up." She whimpered.
"I'm sorry." I gave her an apologetic smile.
I quickly grab the tiger towel, drying her up, then grabbing the dry clothes on the side and putting them on for her.
"There, done." I whisper.
I still couldn't over what I saw, her ribs.... no wonder her legs were so skinny.
" lay down here I brought sweets an-"
"Yayyy, t-thank you Ariii!" She said after she grabbed the sweets from me, I chuckled.
"It's k, but anyway as I was saying, here's a hot water bottle to keep you warm." I smile and handed it to her.

"Thank you Ari." She smiled as she laid down.
I laid down with her, spooning her.
"I love you Amber." I say, kissing her head.
"I love you too Ariana." And with that, she fell asleep in my arms..

A/N: Hey guys it me Liba, idk if I should carry this on or..?
Because I feel like it's not going anywhere and not many people are reading it, I will carry on more chapters, but please comment and tell me what u think xx

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