Getting Comfortable

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Ariana's POV
I was nervous for what she was about to say.
"I-I'll see..." As soon as she said that my face immediately lit up. I pulled her into a hug but she pulled away saying "No, no, no, I'm sorry but I can't do things like that, like hugging and kissing and all that, I still need time to trust you and to be comfortable around you again."
"That's fine with me love, whatever makes you comfortable." I smiled at her. I still wanted to discuss about the rape incident with her but I knew it wasn't the right time, when she gets comfortable again, that's when I will.
"U-Um I'm gonna go downstairs now Ariana." She said, quietly.
"Ok, um..that's fine, I'll be down in a minute." I once again smiled at her, but she didn't return it back.
I sighed for two reasons, that she didn't smile back and I realised she didn't call me 'mum', of course she wouldn't, not yet anyway.
I sighed and went downstairs to see her sitting in the lounge, flicking through channels on the TV.
"Amber." I called out, I saw her getting a bit startled, but I knew it wasn't because she was scared I called her so suddenly, I felt like crying my eyes out when she done that. I can't even comfort her, like give her a hug or anything.
"Yes?" She replied.
I went up to her and sat on the sofa opposite her.
"Have you had breakfast?" I asked.
I saw her facial expression turn into a bit of worried and nauseous expression.
"Y-Yes." She stuttered. She's lying.
"Honey, I know your lying, you have to eat." My voice coming out soft.
"I don't want to." She said with a now blank expression.
"Amber, please....for me, I want you to be healthy." I said, cautious with my words.
She looked at me, as she turned the TV off.
"Whatever, fine." She sighed.
"Yayy, good girl." I smiled reaching to kiss her forehead, but she shook her head at me.
"Remember what I told you???I don't want any of that affection yet Ariana, you need to except that I'm still really cautious around you. Please, don't do that." Sadness in her eyes.
"O-Ok, I'm sorry love, I forgot it won't happen again." I said with sad eyes.
She walked off into the kitchen to eat something for breakfast, she settled with Lucky Charms, though only a small bowl.
"Oh yeah Amber?"
"Yes?" She asked, as she turned to me.
"After you're done eating breakfast, I would like you to go upstairs and change your clothes, we are going shopping today." I said, trying to bring the vibe up a bit.
"Oh, ok." She half smiled at me. At least she smiled...
I went upstairs to get changed (photo above^^).
I went to Amber's room knocking her room door.
"Come in." I hear faintly.
I stepped in to see her fully dressed in boyfriend jeans a plain t-shirt.
"We really need to go shopping for you." I chuckled.
"Yeah." She smiled while chuckling as well.
We stepped outside the house and into my car. As I sat in the drivers seat I realised Amber sat in the back seat.
"Amber baby, come sit at the front with me." I smiled.
"Oh, ok then." She smiled shyly.
She's shy...?
She came and sat in the front seat, putting her seatbelt on. I smiled.
"You look absolutely stunning today love." I complemented.
"Thank you." She said shyly as she blushed a bit. I chuckled.
__Skip Car Drive__
Me and Amber got out the car as we walked into the shopping mall.
"So where would you like to shop first Moonlight?" I asked.
"Anywhere would be fine Ariana." I cringed as she said 'Ariana'.
"Are you sure, I mean I'd take you anywhere you'd like to go love, just name a shop." I smiled.
"I really don't mind, I need clothes, not the actual shop." She giggled, so did I.
"Alright McSassy." I laughed.
"Uh, who you callin McSassy, Sassiana??" She sasses back.
We both broke into fits of laughter as people were staring at us like we were complete weirdos. Which we are.
"But ok, lets go to Forever 21." I smiled, in so happy we both are getting along.
"Ok, fine by me." She smiled.
__Skip going into Forever 21__
We just got out of Forever 21, as Amber was now leading the way, since she was holding my hand and tugging me along to a shop called Smiggle, which I was more than happy about.
"Uh Amber what are you thinkin of buying from this shop." I asked, as I looked at it, it was just filled with pink and glitter, and she's like 13...?
"I don't know, it just looked like a cool shop." She shrugged.
"Yeah, for 8 years old."
"Well, if you have a better shop to go to then we can go to that?" She asked, smirking.
I smirked back, this was gonna embarrass her so much, but it'll be funny to watch.
"Oh, yes I do." I smirked.
She looked at me with a confused expression.

I was pulling Amber to make her come into Victoria's Secret.
"Arianaaaa I don't wanna go in that shop." She pouted.
"Moonlight we're just gonna look at a few bras." I smirked.
"That's the thing, I'm too embarrassed, especially with you, I'm not going to look for bras with you." She said, solidly.
I just chuckled.
"Oh yes you are."
"Oh no I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not." And she stomped her foot.
"Ok then." I smiled.
She sighed.
But then I quickly picked her up.
"Ariana put me down now!" She screamed, making people stare at us.
"Shush Moonlight your making people stare at us." I smirked.
She just pouted.
We were looking for some bras as Amber was behind me, with her cheeks flushed.
"Oh come on Amby, it ain't that bad."
"Oh whatever." She said with a slight smile.
__Skip Shopping__
Me and Amber were now heading back to the car. We put all our bags in the boot, we actually did quite a lot of shopping.
We both got in the car.
" I wanted to say thank you for today Ariana." Amber said, quietly.
"Amber love, it's absolutely fine, I'm gonna treat you like my princess now because you are, I only want the best for you and I hope you know that. Everything that happened yesterday was completely out of order and I hated every second of it, I want you back to the way you were even though I know it may take some time, but I'll wait forever for you." I cried slightly.
Amber started crying, I quickly embraced her. "Shhh, Moonlight it's okay love." I said soothingly. "Ariana I'm sorry, for being arrogant, I'm sorry for not being a good enough daughter." She cried.
"Shut up! Your all I could ever ask for. I love you." I looked her straight in the eye, meaning it.
She looked me back in the eye.
"I love you too mum." I looked at her with a shocked expression, but became so happy, more than ever, because she called me mum.

__At Home__
I was cooking dinner, which was Keish. "Moonlight come down, time for dinner!" I shouted, since she was upstairs in her room.
"Okay, coming!" She shouted back. I heard her small footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Dinners on the table." I nodded my head towards the dining table as I washed my hands.
We both sat down starting to eat.
"This is really nice Ariana." Amber beamed at me. I noticed she didn't call me mum again, but I just shrugged it off.
"Thank you Moonlight, especially for you." I smiled.
I'm so glad everything's getting better now, but now I've learned that I need to control my anger.

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