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8 years later

"Baby! Time for supper." my mom yells out to me. I roll over off my bed and plug my earbud in my ear. I jam out to some monster remade by nightstep, which is dubstep with nightcore songs. (author interuption: this song is actually really good. Its called monster, if you want to listen then search of nightstep monster) I run downstairs and hug my mom from behind. "Hi mom. It smells good. Wheres dad?" I dance around her to the best of the music. She just laughs,which sounds like angels. "Your father is out being himself. You know how he is when-" "IF IT ISN'T MY FAVORITE COUSIN IN LAW!" "- Paul comes back to town." I watch as Paul dances around my mom, just as I had done. She chuckles, shaking her head lightly. Gosh she looks like grandma Bella so much. Mom walks to the table. "Hey Baby could you grab the chicken from the counter? I need to finish setting the table." My mom ask me. "Sure thing mama." I tell her as I grab the chicken. Minutes later my dad walks in the door, and me, Paul, my mom and dad all sit around the table. As we eat, Paul rambles on about boring things like his job and what not. I zone out for almost all of it. Suddenly I feel my mom elbow me in the ribs. "Hmmm?" I say. Paul is looking at me. "I said, have you found your imprint yet?" My dad eyes me, as if I am hiding something. I shake my head. "No. I am destined to be alone forever." my dad looks at me like I have lost my mind. "Baby you are not. Why do you say that?" He asks me. I shake my head and drop my fork. I gesture to myself with my hands. "Who would date someone like me? Im a hybrid who could kill someone with one hug!! I am god awful! I dont look like you guys, beautiful! I think I will die alone." My mom looks at me like I have lost my mind. "2 things. You are beautiful. You look like a mixture of me and your dad. And second, you won't die alone because-" I cut her off. "Because everyone has a soulmate and Aunt Alice has already said I will find my imprint/ mate soon." my dad shakes his head but then his head snaps up as he fully takes in what I said. "Wait, when did Alice say that?" My mom ignores him and looks at me. "Actually I was going to say because you are immortal, but that works too I guess." I shake my head and get up from the table. "When did Alice say that?!?!" My dad calls up to me. I ignore him and lay on my bed, and fall asleep to the sound of the normal rain of Forks Washington.

In volterra, Alecs pov:

I rush through the door leading to the thrown room using vampire speed. I open the doors and walk up to my sister, grabbing her hand and giving her a tight smile. "Brother." she says and squeezes my hand. I report to my post beside her. I look up to see a vampire, mid twenties, standing in front of master Aro. "Ah, young Elton, I see you have survived this attack from a new born, tell me all about it." The blonde places his hand in Master Aros and lets his thoughts and memories zoom through Aro's mind. "Magnifico" Masters head snaps towards me and my sister. "It seems as if a group of rogue new borns are loose upon the olympic covens territory." I sneer. Those reched Cullens and those stupid wolves. Ever since that confusion with the hybrid child the Volturi has been on edge, and vampires start to question our authority. Master Aro speaks up. "Alec, Jane, Demetri, and Felix. Please give our dear Cullens a visit. To check for any... Unusual business, and to check the hybrids process." "yes master" Aro nods, dismissing us. We run to the woods and start our journey.

Song: monster nightstep. Original song monster by boondox

Green Eyes •Alec Volturi•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora