The Letter Chapter 1

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One fine day, everything was going well like always with the host club and Fujioka Haruhi received a letter and it was from her triplet sister Hasume that was staying in France. The letter said.....

Hey Haruhi!! Long time no see huh? Anyways, I'm coming back from France to see you!!

Actually I'm staying there for awhile while Hasuke (their brother, one of the triplets) stays at France. He was so excited to go see you, that he fell ill so I had to come alone.

I'm going to join your school for a while until Hasuke gets better and I will be going back.

Just for a week and me and Hasuke will come back again. Anyway Dad told me you were cross-dressing to pay off a debt in the host club in school so I'll join you in cross-dressing but not joining the club so just tell the host club that I am your triplet brother but tell them my real name since you have to tell them about Hasuke too! Bye!! See you tomorrow.

Haruhi finished reading the letter and was quite dumbfounded. Tamaki realised and said. What's wrong my precious little daughter?

She answered and told the host club. Well, you see tomorrow, my triplet sis-brother will be coming home from France and he will be joining the school too. Tamaki looked a bit sad when he heard the word France since his mother lived there but quickly shook it off but everyone already realised.

Hikaru and Kaoru quickly changed the subject. So Haruhi you had siblings and you never told us about it? asked Hikaru And you didn't tell us your siblings and you were a triplet? Finished Kaoru.

Haruhi quickly stepped back and answered frantically Well I didn't see the need to.

Time skip~(always wanted to say that XD )

School ended.... and Haruhi walked home and when she went into her house, she saw Hasume!!

Hey People!! ._.

Well, please





and well it's not that hard to slap that vote button on the way, does it? And please comment about what you think about my moe dream!!! anyways I update frequently when I have a new idea so yeah please please please comment more!! it feels so lonely ._. I sound like a loner...... Bye!!


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