The mission to save Misa Chan! Chapter 8

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**Haruhi's POV**

"Soo... What are we gonna do now milord? " asks the twins in unison. "We are going to get back Misa-Chan! We live to flatter ladies and Hasume is a lady." Tamaki-senpai says as he snaps his fingers.

"And how are you going to do that? Do you know who bought Misa-Chan?" I asked and he immediately went back to his mushroom corner of despair.

Kyouya-senpai then showed us his laptop and said "Misa-Chan was bought by a girl Haruhi's age. Her name is Renge Houshakuji. I know her since our company has done business together. She lives in Paris." Tamaki-senpai then suddenly recovered and snapped his fingers once again. Wow... He recovered fast...

We all walked outside to see the Ootori family's private jet. We all walked in and zoomed off to Paris.

After awhile, we were at Paris and we walked to her address. But that took a long time since the whole host club started going everywhere they saw that was interesing. Especially Tamaki-senpai. Some girls even blushed as we walked past them.

When we reached, her house was like a gigantic castle. And Kyouya-Senpai knocked on the door. One of the maids opened the door and blushed. "We're looking for Renge Houshakuji. Do you perhaps know where she is my princess? " asked Tamaki-senpai in his annoying way called flirting.

She suddenly had heart in her eyes just like every other host club customer. "S-she's in her room playing video games. Come I'll lead you to her." she said as she blushed.

She led us to a dark room with alot of dolls that look like Kyouya-Senpai and there was a girl with ginger hair with a ribbon on the back of her head as she sat on the couch playing some sort of love simulation game.

When she turned around and saw Kyouya-Senpai,  she immediately changed to fan girl mode and rushed over to hug him and said "My fiancé has came for me!"

We all just looked at her like she was crazy until we all saw the video game she was currently playing. It had Kyouya-senpai as the main character. So since this is wasting my time, I quickly asked "So Renge-san, do you have a cute teddy bear that you perhaps bought online?" "Yes. Why, do you need it? And how did you know that I bought that online?" She answered my question with more questions.

"Ermm.. Well actually we're in a host club and thats my brother's teddy bear and its his most precious teddy bear. So we were hoping you would give it back to us?" I said in a hoping voice.

"If its so precious then why sell it online? Hmmmmm...? He probably doesn't need it." says Renge-san in a matter-of-fact tone which made me incredibly annoyed.

We all stared at Kyouya-Senpai and gave him the look but he just stood there smiling smugly which made me feel more annoyed. Then he says " Miss Renge Houshakuji, how much do you want for the teddy bear?". She quickly thought about it and interrogated us and then said "You will need to let me become the manager of the host club-" "Great okay!" she was cut off by the great and mighty idiot king Tamaki-senpai which resulted in him being kicked by her.

"As I was saying, I want to be the manager of the host club and I want to go on a date with Kyouya-Senpai my fiancè for a whole day." (time difference between Paris and Japan (?). if not, just pretend. ^o^)

And so they got ready to go for their so called date. The whole host club forced Kyouya-Senpai to go to the date since he was the one at fault. Well even I did since my younger sister was so mad and loved that teddy bear dearly.

When they went out, the whole host club had to follow secretly behind them to see if Kyouya-Senpai is doing well. We stalked them from shop to shop. They weren't talking much except for Renge-san.  She was fangirling the whole way.

Well I decided to just rest somewhere at a café as the rest continued to stalk them.

Well, I looked around for some special sales and decided to buy some stuff with the money I just exchanged at the money exchanger. It was getting a bit dark and I was tired since I think it took all night and I went back to Renge-san's house and saw the host club and Kyouya-Senpai and Renge-san have just arrived back at the house-castle.(?)

Well she gave back the teddy bear and we all finally went back to the private jet and went back back quickly to Japan.

It was 7am in the morning and thank god it was a Saturday. We went back to my apartment and sat down at the table when suddenly Hasume came out. She saw the bear Tamaki was holding and quickly ran over to him. She was so happy.

I was just happy that my sister is happy.  Typical line but I finally understood what that meant. Well Tamaki shot her a tired smile and almost all of them fell asleep.

Hasume saw me and asked me what happened while I just smiled and told her "Its a secret! ".

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey People! ._.

I know. I know.  U r upset that I havent updated in a few months but sorry for this crappy chapter. I was collecting data to make my crappy chapters better *^*

Well I saw that This series has gained over 1k viewers and I'm just so ahppy I could cry a stream. But save the tears for later. Since I got a 1K viwwers, I'm gonna update 2 more chapters by today or tomorrow.

They might be crappy but I put all my hard work into them so thank you. ^w^.








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