Jade's breakdown

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|nobody POV|

"When did you know for sure? That the Dread Doctors had succeeded?"Dr valack asked

"Scott and Stiles found out that night"Lydia said

"The night of the Super moon" Dr valack confirmed his suspicion

"But they really didn't know it yet. There was too much going on"Lydia said

"Liam had almost killed Scott. Kira was still gone. Malia was trying to find The Desert Wolf jade was running around trying not to kill anyone"Lydia said

"You were missing"Dr valack said

"And Sheriff Stilinski was dying..."she said

I walked towards the bathroom hearing Scott breathing heavily I placed my hand on his arm he looks at me

"Sit"I told him he sits on the toilet I grabbed the first aid kit

"Don't leave me you're all I have left jade"he said I smiled slightly

"Baby I'm not going anywhere"I said as I crouched down to the floor

"Now take a deep breath this is gonna burn a lot"I told him he nods I put the alcohol on his wound he grunts in pain I grabbed his arm taking his pain

"Shh its okay"I told him I wrapped up his wound

"There"I said standing up he pulls me into his embrace his arms wrapped around my waist I kissed his hair

"Its okay we're okay"
"Scott"I called his name as he stumbles out into the hall breathing heavily

"Scott you need to rest"I said as he steadies himself he stumbles to the other side of the hall

"I need to....."he faints I rushed to him

"Oh my god"I said I quickly called Parrish

"Hello"he answered

"Parrish I need your help"I said tucking my hair behind my ear

"With what?"he asked

"Scott he's in a really bad shape and I don't know what to do"I said he sighs

"I'm on my way"he said

(Time skip)

"Scott, wake up. Scott"Parrish said kneeled down in front of him Scott wakes up I sighed

"Are you all right?"parrish asked

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine"he said

"I told him he needed some rest"I said as I pulled him into a sitting position

"You're bleeding"Parrish said

"It's not that bad Why are you here?"Scott asked as I rolled my eyes

"I need your help"Parrish said

"With what?"I asked

"With her"he said moving out of my line of sight I slowly stood up

"I found her out in the woods....It's a badge. A sheriff's badge"Parrish said

"No. It's a warning"Scott said I looked at him he nods we quickly took Lydia to the hospital me and Scott got on the elevator

"Do you really think now is the time to face him?"I asked Scott

"What choice do I have I caused this"he said looking at me

"No you were just as much a victim as we all are"I said we got out the elevator I stopped at a room looking at sheriff stilinski but then I heard a body slam against the wall making me jump

"Where were you? You trusted him. You believed him. Right, huh? So, where were you?"i heard stiles ask

"Hey, hey, hey..."a doctor said coming to pull stiles off Scott

"Where the hell were you?"Melissa cut stiles off

"Stop it!"she yelled

"Okay, all right, all right"stiles said as he started to calm down

"Your dad's not the only one who got hurt"Scott said

"Oh, you'll heal"stiles said I didn't even know I was crying until now

"Stop it!"I yelled as I covered my ears

"I can't take it anymore!"I cried it was all too much

"Jade honey come with me"Melissa said wrapping an arm around my shoulder she leads me to a room

"Look who's here to see you"she said I looked to see it was Allison

"Mommy!"she exclaimed as she rushes to me I hugged her Alex tugs on my arm

"Hey"I said kissing his hair

"Mommy is uncle biles and dad arguing?"he asked I pulled away

"Not anymore"I said they returned back to the TV

"Come with me"Melissa said I walked outside with her

"Are you okay now?"she asked I ran a hand through my hair

"I'm fine I just...."she cuts me off

"Lydia will be fine....."I cut her off

"I wasn't talking about Lydia"I said shaking my head

"They'll work it out somehow they always do"

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