jira fight

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"Mason you know your part..."I said he nods

"Corey and I break into the Devenford Bus and search their shoes"he says I nodded

"I take out the TV vans"Malia says

"Right before the whistle, Coach forfeits the game"stiles adds

"The rest of us are looking for a size 10 with a bloody sole"Scott said

"Just out of curiosity... What if it doesn't work? What if we have to go up against this thing? I mean, I hate to bring up bad memories but Scott's still healing from what Theo did to him"malia explained I shook my head

"No, he's not"i said I would know more than anyone

"She's right"Scott said pulling me into his side intertwining our fingers

"It happened the night we got Lydia out of Eichen House I healed When were all together again, when we were a pack The Beast doesn't have a pack Not like us We can do this, guys No one dies tonight"he said I looked up at him and smiled
"Scott what if the beast comes what am I supposed to do? I can't just stand back"i told him I just found out that coach wasn't gonna forfeit

"If the beast comes I want you to run"he said stiles came over too

"I can't you know I can't"i said stiles looked at me like I was insane

"Jade you almost died twice if you take on the beast he will kill you"he said I nodded

"Wow thanks for the vote of confidence stiles"i said he rolls his eyes

"So you want me to run if it shows up and what about everyone else?"i asked them

"I can't ask her to run"scott said looking at stiles

"You can't I can run Jade run get the hell away from beacon hills if you have to"stiles said holding me by the shoulders I took his hands in mine

"I'm sorry but I can't do what you're asking me stiles I love you like a brother and you know that if I die I wanna die fighting"i told him he nods

"You sound just like Derek"he said I gave him a tight smile

"Thanks"i said

"now get your asses on the feild"i said they turned away and I smacked their ass winking at Scott

"I love you!"he called out to me from the field

"I love you too!"I yelled back out wasn't long into the game that I noticed kira's eyes glowing that wasn't good she was losing control soon after she was kicked off the field stalking into the school her fox was taking over her

I then received a text from Melissa

From: Melissa


To: Jade

I bit my lip I had to be careful now I couldn't harm this baby in any way I rushed inside the school  hearing fighting I opened the door to the locker room

"kira"i called out seeing her fighting Lori

"Jade get out"lori tells me as Kira turned to me a sinister look on her face

"it's okay Lori"i said I looked back at Kira

"Kira"i said slowly losing control of my fox

"you took Scott from me"she growled I rolled my eyes dropping my bag

"he was supposed to be my boyfriend!"she yelled flicking out her claws my eyes glowed orange as I roared at her both of us charging at each other


I rushed into the school hearing fighting Lori caught me at the door

"Kira and your fiance has got some serious issues"she said my eyes widened

"where are they?"I asked her she leads me to the locker room

"Jade no"i said opening the door

"he's mine"kira yells

"I'd like to see you try to take him"jade said a sinister grin on her face she brings out her katana

"Jade no"i yelled her eyes flickered back looking at me but then Kira shoved her katana through her stomach

"Kira!"I yelled her name she finally snaps out of it as I caught Jade in my arms

"I....I'm"she tried to say

"stiles!"I yelled his name

"what is it?"I asked looking down at her

"I'm....pregnant"she said Kira chokes on air I can't believe it she's pregnant

"oh god Jade I'm so sorry"she apologized trying to reach her

"don't touch her"i said standing up I looked to see stiles Lori pulled the katana from her stomach

"stiles take her sit her in the jeep let her heal"i told him he nods taking her from me

"you're gonna be okay"

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