the truth

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"Transformation... Transformation without frequency"the dread doctors said I looked behind me to see Mason pulling out the thing from his neck

"Mason!"Liam called out

"That is not my name"the beast said oh god this was really bad basically he kills the dread doctors but I never thought I would be happy for Gerard to show up they start to shoot at the beast Parrish goes full hellhound on it the beast retreats who slowly becomes a man oh no we were too late

"La Bete Du Gevaudan! I know your name Do you remember mine?"Gerard asked

"Argent"he said his eyes land on mine he growls before rushing off

"Who the hell was that?"Chris asked

"You've seen the Beast of Gevaudan That was the Man"gerard said I sighed

"Sebastien Valet"
"Get him we're taking him to the vet"scott said

"I'm not touching that thing"liam protested

"Liam...."I cut Scott off

"Hold this"i said handing him my bottle

"Give me"i said Liam passes me the dread doctor I threw him over my shoulder with ease

"if I pass out its your fault"i said glaring at Liam we made the trip to the vet I smiled at deaton who looked surprised

"Hello deaton"i said as he opens the door

"Jade"he said I sat the dread doctor on the table grabbing my bottle from Scott

"Can you keep him alive?"Scott asked

"I'm not sure he technically is alive"deaton said

"Screw keeping him alive How do we get him to talk?"Liam asked

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough"stiles said I rolled my eyes

"Come..."I heard Sebastien say god dammit

"Did you hear that?"Liam asked I lookdd at him

"Come to me...To me"Sebastian said suddenly a high pitched noise filled the room I groaned covering my ears as Marcel sat up getting off the table Liam goes to grab

"Liam, wait!"Scott says the dread doctor have stretched out towards him I used my speed reaching Liam pushing him out the way taking the electrical blow that sent me flying into the wall darkness taking over

Nobody pov
the dread doctor leaves they all walk towards the exit

"Stop It's electrified"deaton tells them

"Marcel...If this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled For you...All for you..."Marcel said

"What did you do with it, Marcel? Where is the pike?"Sebastien asked

"The Argents...The Argents..."Marcel said

"The cane But they took it They took the cane"scott said wide eyed stiles bent down to check on Jade who was still breathing but unconscious

"uh Scott I think she's unconscious"stiles said deaton bent down to help putting the pregnant werecheetah on the table

"Scott I'm sorry"liam apologies Scott ignores him

"isn't she supposed to be stronger than this?"stiles asked

"a lot stronger actually"deaton said eyebrows furrowed as he placed a cool rag on the woman's forehead

"exactly how strong?"Liam asked deaton looked at Scott

"far stronger than a true alpha"he said Scott was in shock to say the least she was far stronger than him or she was supposed to be

"I think I know what's causing this"deaton said catching their attention

"what is it?"Scott asked

"the same reason the desert Wolf is after malia every child she has part of her power is passed down"deaton explained

"they're making her weak"stiles said looking at Scott who was very grateful Jade was sane enough not to blame their kids and try to kill them

"wait at the school she said something"liam said Scott nodded

"she said she was pregnant"he said

"that may be the reason too she's still not completely healed so whatever she's receiving is going straight to the baby she's not getting the nutrition she needs to heal"deaton said Jade was dying slowly and they all didn't wanna except it

"so what do we do?"stiles asked he didn't wanna lose Jade she meant do much to him she was family

"take her to the hospital she needs rest a lot of it and a blood transfusion"

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