saving Lydia

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"This isn't a good idea"I told Scott as he grabbed the radio off one of the guards he ignored me

"Does anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit? I need a status report"Scott spoke over the walkie talkie 

"It's a war zone down here"a guard said he gives me the i told you so look i rolled my eyes

"Uh...10-4 And what about the patients? Lydia Martin?"he asked 

"Who is this?"the guard asked

"It's...Unit Nine"Scott said unsure

"There is no Unit Nine. Who is this? How did you get..."Scott glowed his eyes and crushed the radio in his hand with a low growl

"I told you that wasn't a good idea"I said he sighs

"All right We need to figure out another way to get into this Closed Unit"Scott said 

"How do we get through the mountain ash?"Liam asked 

"We can't...."Scott cuts me off 

"I don't know yet But there's somebody else here that might be able to help us"Scott said 

"Who?"me and Liam asked in unison glancing at each other


(Time skip)

"Where are you going?"Liam asked as I moved to leave the room 

"I have to find my dad"i said Scott grabs my arm 

"Be careful"he said I ran my fingers through his hair giving him a soft smile

"Always"I said he nods

"Love you"he calls out as I started closing the door

"Love you too"I said before taking off back to the room lydia was being held in i saw the bloodied footprints I entered the room to find my uncle with a Knife through his chest eyes closed I gasped rushing to him 

"Alex"I called out shaking him not caring about the blood he wasn't moving 

"Alex"I called out he shoots awake 

"Where's Parrish?"He asked grunting

"I don't know why?"I asked 

"Because he's the only one that can get to lydia"he said I grabbed the knife 

"Who did this?"I asked yanking it out as he groans in pain

"Tracy I hate that kanima"he said letting out a sigh of relief 

"I have some bad news she's got allison"he said my head snapped towards his 

"She's dead"i practically growled out
Me and my uncle walked around eichen when I smelled smoke making me stop

"you smell it too?"he asked me I nodded

"He's close"I said I glowed my eyes and looked at him

"Hold on tight"I said he nods and I speeded down the hall following the smell of smoke but then it ends I stopped looking around the basement

"They have to be leaving by now"my uncle says we both rushed to the entrance to see Parrish on the ground and Tracy I snuck up behind my mom holding my hand over her mouth while my uncle grabbed Allison

"Sorry, but she's coming with me"Tracy said I took the stick from my mom

"Okay Tracy, just wait You don't know what's about to happen"stiles said

"I'm taking her That's what's happening And none of are you going to do a thing..."I put the stick to get throat and turned it on she dropped instantly

"Could somebody please get my daughter out of this hellhole?"my mom asked but then I smelled blood my head snapped up and I looked up to see my dad being carried by my aunt Paige

"jade"she said tears falling down her face

"No"I said shaking my head

"I'm so sorry"she cried

"No"I said grabbing my dad's body in my arms

"Jade its okay...."I shook his hand off my shoulder my shoulder looking at him my voice almost sounded demonic

"don't touch me! get your hands off me!"I warned him he steps back and I went back to crying over my dad's body

"Jade we have to go"I heard stiles say I looked up at him

"No you go"I said shaking my head

"I'm not leaving without you"Scott said

"I'm not giving you a choice on this one Scott this is something I have to do alone"i said he nods

"Meet us at the clinic"he said I nodded

"Okay"i said before he left reluctantly I grabbed my dad's body and put it in the trunk of one of the doctor's cars before driving off to the woods where I left the truck I drove to the clinic deaton met me at the door

"Is she okay?"I asked him

"How about you come see for yourself"Scott said I hugged him before walking towards the main room

"Mommy!"I heard Allison cheer I scooped her up in my arms holding her tightly

"Oh my baby"I said kissing her cheek she giggles as my eyes landed on my sister sitting on the table

"Lydia"I said putting Allison down I rushed to her and hugged her

"I'm okay stiles saved me"she said I looked over at stiles he gives me a nod and I mouthed a thank you to him

"He's dead Lydia my dad's dead"I said hiding my  face in her hair she soothes my hair

"You still have me I'm not going anywhere"she promised I believed her she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon as long as stiles was around to protect her

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