jade pregnant again?

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"So what did he want?"stiles asked once Scott came outside and grabbed the light

"To help"he said

"You gonna let him?"stiles asked

"Eventually I guess"he said

"Okay but shouldn't he be a little higher on your priority list right now? I mean since he's the only other actual werewolf your only actual Beta"stiles said very good points I'll give him that

"You didn't see the way that he came at me You didn't see the look in his eyes"Scott said

"Well I've been with you on a full moon so I've seen that look"stiles said he then sighs

"You want to get the band back together Scott you don't leave out the drummer"stiles said going to start the car

"I know you're angry"he said looking at me I looked at him

"I can't help you if you won't listen to me Scott there's only so much I can do now"I said looking up to see Alex looking out the window he ducks when he sees me looking up I shook my head

"I know I just I need some time"he said I sighed and nodded

"Okay you better come tuck the kids in bed before you leave"I said I then looked towards the jeep to see stiles head sticking out the window obviously eavesdropping

"That means you too stiles"I called out to him

"Alright let's go"he said getting out the jeep and rubbing his hands together as soon as we entered the room Allison eyes lit up she was a proud daddy's girl

"Daddy!"she cheered Scott picks her up spinning her around with a smile

"How's daddy's princess?"he asked tapping her nose she scrunched up her face she was too cute

"I'm good"she said

"Dad are you and uncle biles going to save aunt Kira?"Alex asked as stiles held him yes stiles had thank calling him uncle biles I don't even wanna know where he got that name from

"Yeah"he said I furrowed my eyebrows

"How'd you know that?"I asked him

"The voices"Allison said tapping the side of her head I looked at stiles as he nodded

"Banshee"he said

"What's a banshee?"Alex asked eyebrows furrowed stiles curiosity was wearing off on him and that scared me Scott told me stores stories about the adventures stiles took him on when they were young

"A banshee is...."me and Scott cut him off

"Stiles!"I hissed

"Dude!"Scott hissed

"Oh sorry"stiles apologized had a habit of revealing things without realizing it

"Yeah"I said looking at Allison she yawned

"Anyway let's get you two tucked into bed"Scott said tickling her she giggled

"Yay"Alex cheered quietly as his eyes fluttered close

"Goodnight my babies"I said kissing their forehead

"Goodnight"they said in unison drifting off to sleep Scott and stiles tucked them in

"Thank you stiles"I said once we exited the room closing it behind me

"I'm never gonna live that one down am I?"he asked me

"Not as long as I live"I said shaking my head

"I give up I'll be the jeep"he said before walking down the hall

"Love you too"I called out to him

"Whatever"he called back I laughed before hugging Scott

"Be careful"I said

"Always am"he said kissing my hair I looked to at him

"I mean it"I said he chuckles and runs both of his hands through my hair

"I will I'll call you when we're on our way back"he said pecking my lips

"Okay"I said nodding

"I love you"he said kissing me I wrapped my arms around his neck

"I love you more"I muttered he laughs

"Don't start"he said into the kiss as we stumbled upon the wall

"Okay let's go"stiles said grabbing Scott and dragging him away from me and down to his car I laughed before going to my room
"So where are you having the wedding?"Melissa asked me Alex and Allison were running around in the living room

"I wanna have it at the school on the lacrosse field"I said she looks at me

"Really?"she asked

"Yeah I mean why not?"I said shrugging my shoulder

"Okay I think I can set something up with the principal"she said nodding

"I wanna be the flower girl"Allison said rushing up to me I smiled

"And I wanna be the flower boy"Alex said as Melissa picked him up

"Mommy can I be the flower girl please!!!"Allison begged I picked her up

"You can be whatever you want baby"I said tickling her stomach she starts laughing

"Okay go play go on"I told her putting her down they ran off

"And you said you didn't know what you're doing"she joked I laughed

"I wouldn't have been able to do this without you or the pack actually"I said as we looked through magazines for wedding dresses

"I'm surprised you even let Scott propose to me when he's so young"I admitted that had been on my mind for a while now

"He's in love and I believe you two will last a very long time plus you're the mother of my grand kids which I will be expecting more in the future"she said I nodded

"I think so Scott says he wants a big family so I have been feeling a little tired lately though"I said she looks at me

"Are you telling me you might be pregnant again?"she asked I nodded

"I think so"

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