Jade's hurt

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Nobody pov
Jade rounded the corner almost done healing when she saw Liam running

"Liam Liam, wait!"stiles yelled after him Jade growls making stiles turn around

"no you don't"he said grabbing her by the shoulders her eyes trained on the beast

"run stiles"she said before roaring and chasing after it in the high school scott Kira and Lori heard growling screaming and running Scott pushes Lori back closing the door he watches through the window as the beast runs Jade hot on his tail
He hesitantly opens the door seeing a sat of large claw marks
I kicked open the door entering the classroom

"jade"i heard stiles voice I stumbled over to him he caught me making me groan

"are you okay?"Liam asked

"I'm fine"i stumbled over my words

"you're obviously not fine"hayden said

"where's Scott?"I asked looking at them

"we don't know"stiles said

"I have to find him"i said moving to leave

"no you need to rest"liam said pulling me back but then I heard Scott screaming

"Scott!"I yelled rushing towards the door I was pulled back again

"you need to heal you won't be able to help him like this"stiles said holding me by the shoulders I held my arm out to Hayden

"break my arm"i said her eyes widened

"what?"she asked

"it'll trigger the healing process"i told her

"I think I'm gonna be sick"stiles said I rolled my eyes and looked at her raising my eyebrows

"you don't believe me"i said I grabbed Liam's arm and twisted it

"ah!"he screamed in pain grunting afterwards I ripped open his shirt

"look"i said Liam was in fact healing faster than before I then heard Scott roar I kicked a desk into the wall causing a dent as I tried not to lash out on Hayden

"break it"i said I was well aware that I was overly aggressive she grabs my arm and breaks it I groaned and looked at Liam

"are you ready?"I asked him he looks me over I had claw marks practically everywhere even on my cheek it burned like hell

"you need time to heal"he said I popped his arm back in place and pulled him off the table

"I'll heal later we need to find scott"i said pulling him out the door we rushed down the hall

"where is it coming from?"Liam asked me I stopped listening it was just under us

"the library"i said before we were off again Liam was the first jumping and hitting the beast in the face Scott moved out of the way as Braeden Allison and Malia entered braeden shot the beast with her shotgun as Allison screamed making the beast coward away

"get away from my daddy!"she wailed as malia and I roared I shrugged off my jacket

"let's finish this once and for all beast of Gevaudan"i said as I ripped open my shirt shifting into a bear the beast roared at me

"Jade don't!"I ignored Scott and tackled the beast the both of us flying through the window as soon as I hit the ground darkness consumed me
Kira pov

"Mom"scott called out he was desperate holding up his fiance I felt terrible

"oh my god what happened?"Melissa asked bringing over a stretcher

"she took on the beast please just help her"he begged Melissa nodded seeing his desperation

"okay have a seat I'll see what I can do"she tells him we both nodded taking a seat I hesitantly sat beside him

"Scott"i called his name he looked over at me

"yeah?"he asked

"I'm sorry"i said looking down at my hands

"it's not your fault"he said reaching over to squeeze my hand I looked up at him

"the last thing I said to her was he's mine"i told him he nods

"did you mean it?"he asked

"no"i said shaking my head

"Scott"malia called out arriving with Lydia stiles Liam braeden and Hayden Lydia hugs him eyes closed

"where is she?"she asked pulling away

"my mom has her right now all we can do is wait"he said pulling away she nods

"she's gonna be alright she's a tough one"liam said she was it was true

"Scott"hayden said he looks at her

"I wanted to....We wanted to let you know that her last thought was to protect you"hayden said

"to find you"liam adds stiles hugs Scott

"she'll be alright"

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