"uncle Alex?"

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"No guards No lights This place looks completely abandoned"braeden said

"That should be easier for us right?"malia asked

"Not necessarily Especially if she knows we're coming"braeden said I nodded as I folded my arms

"You're sure this is the place you saw?"I asked her

"Unless there's another Fort Jewett"she said looking at me

"Maybe she left Maybe Deaton's already gone"Theo said

"I'm not walking away on a maybe"malia said damn she was determined when she wanted to be see if she put that much determination to school then there wouldn't be a problem

"And I'm not walking in on so much uncertainty"braeden said

"I second that"I said

"Jade"Theo said shaking his head I rolled my eyes

"You said you've been after her for years"malia tried

"And why do you think it's been years? Because she knows what she's doing She took Scott's boss for a reason We don't know what it is We don't know if she's back in Beacon Hills because she's missed you all this time and can't wait for a mother-daughter reunion or if she's planning to put a bullet in your head We don't know anything"braeden explained

"We know one thing We know where she is I'm going in I have to"malia said as she began walking towards the building

"So we are going in?"I asked braeden rolled her eyes and walked away Theo grabbed my arm

"Come on"
"There's something wrong"malia said as we walked in the building

"Is it a scent?"Theo asked

"I don't know"malia said but then Theo started to fight with braeden over the control of the gun he then shot me I gasped feeling the electricity run through my body before I fell

"It was me wasn't it? You picked up a Chemosignal Probably regret Because I didn't really want to do this But I didn't have a choice"he said after shooting malia as well

"You should've listened to Braeden"he told her before walking away with a jar of talons in his hands I remember it because Scott was stabbed with them on the night of the senior scribe the desert wolf came

"You know your real name isn't Malia...You don't have a name Talia Hale took you away from me before I could give you one What you do have is power Strength speed and the capacity to heal You know where you got it from Malia? You know who you stole it from? Me"the desert wolf explained

"Tell me when it hurts Tell me when it really hurts"she added stepping on malia's wound making her scream in pain

"Corinne! You can't get it back like this It has to be a full moon You kill her now and you get nothing"I heard deaton say taking the advantage malia kicked her mother off her and got up

"I killed them because of you I killed my own family"malia said

"Your adopted family I'm your family sweetheart"the desert wolf said

"But if it makes you feel any better I didn't care about them I was just trying to kill you"she adds making malia angry she roared glowing her eyes get mother doing the same thing
But then I heard a crack in the wall almost like something was trying to get out and then the wall exploded into a big hole revealing the beast

"Malia..."I heard deaton call out as the beast pulled his chair up the wall I used the last bit of my speed to rush to him and cut off the tape he jumps down and I turned around and pushed deaton into malia's arms before 4 large claws impaled me from behind I gasped

"No!"I heard braeden cry out

"Jade!"malia yelled

"Save deaton"I called out to her

"Tell Scott I'm sorry"I added

"No I'm not leaving you"she said once the beast grabbed my leg

"Go you have to go"I told her as it began dragging me towards the hole she stood there with teary eyes

"Go!"I yelled at her she grabs deaton

"Come on!"she told them before rushing off just then I heard a roar

"Uncle Alex"I whispered as he picked me up

"I've been looking for you everywhere you're a tough were cheetah to track"he said grinning with his dimples showing

"I learned from the best"I wheezed out as he opened a car door

"Don't talk"I heard Theo's voice

"Theo?"I asked

"I told you I'd save you"he said with a smug grin

"Not yet she won't last long not until we'd be able to stop the bleeding and trigger her healing process"my uncle said

"So she's dying?"Theo asked

"And at a fast rate"he said

"Take me to Scott only Scott"I said my uncle furrowed his eyebrows

"Who's Scott?"he asked

"He's her fiance"Theo said glancing at us

"You're getting married?"my uncle asked

"To an alpha"I said nodding

"Not just an alpha a true alpha"Theo said I rolled off and coughed up blood

"Are you the only one who came?"i asked

"Your aunt"he said

"Aunt Paige"
"Now we get Lydia"I heard Scott's voice before my aunt banged on the door I was going in and out of conciseness

"Help! Jade wake up!"my aunt panicked

"Jade!"I heard Scott panic as he swung the door open and they carried me inside

"What happened?"liam asked

"It was the beast"my uncle said

"Who are you? How did you find her?"stiles asked

"I'm her uncle Alex and this is her aunt Paige I followed her scent I smelled the blood"he explained

"We need to stop the bleeding"Melissa said but then an unbearable pain hit me

"Ah!It burns!"I cried out in pain as I cried covering my face with a pillow my aunt took off my shirt

"Her back"she said as she ran her hand over the 4 claw marks on my back

"Oh my god"I heard kira say

"Is he okay is deaton okay?"I asked them

"He's safe you saved his life"

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