visiting coach finstock

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"Where exactly do you think you're going?"I heard Melissa ask Scott

"Uh....."Melissa cuts him off

"Scott Lucas McCall don't you dare lie to me"she said as she blows up balloons

"Where are you going?"I asked Scott making my appearance

"The beast may kill everyone at that game tonight and we're going to visit coach to get him to forfeit the game"Scott explained

"He's been in rehab for the last 7 months"i told him eyebrows furrowed

"That's why we're going to visit him"he said

"You do know that the twins birthday is tomorrow right?"I asked him

"I'll be here"he assured me I rolled my eyes

"I meant come back alive if coach doesn't kill you"i said he cracks a smile

"Thanks I'll see you later"he said coming over to peck my lips I nodded

"Okay"i said

"I love you"he called out from the door

"I love you too"i said Melissa shakes her head and leaves the room

"you're gonna follow them aren't you?"she asked me I chuckled kissing her cheek

"you know me so well"
"I know you're here Jade"i heard Scott say I groaned coming from behind the jeep

"dammit"i whispered

"hey guys"i said casually leaning against the jeep

"what are you doing?"stiles asked me

"I'm visiting someone"i said it sounded more like a question

"oh yeah who?"Scott asked

"someone obviously human-ish"i lied terribly oh god stiles was rubbing off on me

"we know you're following us"Scott said and folded his arms shaking his head as he looked at me with a look of disapproval

"don't give me that look I'm not melting at those puppy eyes today"i said folding my arms they both went inside me following behind them coach was sitting on the couch

"Hey, Coach, it's Scott and Stiles"Scott said as he and stiles sat next to him

"Coach, You're in rehab. You didn't have a lobotomy"stiles said

"Coach?"stiles tries again leaning forward to touch the chess board coach grunts making me shake my head

"Don't you touch it I've got Nurse Gonzalez by the balls of the last three moves"coach said he chuckles

"and she knows it"he said I shook my head

"Let it go You're checking out of this place now"stiles said coach laughs

"Not a chance"he said I moved to stand beside Scott who sits on the arm of the couch he wraps his arm around my waist

"okay, Coach. But, we know you're fine"scott said he hushes Scott

"I have a debilitating disease It's called "I'm not going to take another arrow to my stomach-phobia" Look it up"coach said arrows to the stomach what the hell?

"Nobody's shooting arrows at anyone, okay? We just need you to coach the charity game Okay"scott explained he scoffs

"Charity? Not a chance"coach said

"How exactly have you been conning them into letting you stay here?"stiles asked this should be interesting

"I, uh... I have relapses It's...It's serious I've had seven of them"he said I rolled my eyes

"So once a month?"Scott deadpanned

"Yeah, you see, uh, every time they are just about to discharge me,I relapse"coach explained

"And no one's noticed that pattern?"stiles asked

"I have phenomenal health insurance So why don't you guys get the hell out of here I hate charity games They're meaningless"ciach said

"I don't think the charities would agree"stiles said

"What's it for this year?"coach asked stiles glanced at me I shook my head

"Cancer"he lied

"For or against?"coach asked

"Against, Coach Deeply against"stiles said

"Yeah, okay, well, I'm deeply not interested"coach said I hit Scott's shoulder he glances at me

"Coach, we need you"scott said

"I will never coach there again"coach said

"That's okay Because we don't actually need you to coach the game We need you to forfeit"scott said and by the look on coaches face I knew we had em we all piled into the jeep

"oh god you brought her"coach groaned as he looked back at me since me and Scott sat in the back

"hey coach"i said grinning

"is there anywhere you two don't go together?"he asked

"the bathroom"scott said I snickered shaking my head

"nope we go there together too"i said nodding laughing once I heard coach groan

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