Endeavour (girlxgirl)

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Endeavour (UK)

Endeavor (USA)


verb;endeavour - strive - try - seek - attempt

noun; endeavour - effort - exertion - attempt - try - struggle

I .

The snow started to form into big clusters, becoming more blizzard like than the news reporter predicted, but when are they ever accurate these days. Modern technology will do fine by me. Hunching my shoulders up to bury my neck into my padded black jacket in an attempt to stop the snow from falling in any crevices near my neck. The snow began to lightly dust the pavement, my imprints left a trail of footsteps behind me.

The roads were deserted, leaving no sign of life form in this town. My fingers started to ache from the coldness, making me slide my arms up into my sleeves to help keep any heat inside. When I heard a noise approaching from behind me I instinctively looked behind me seeing a faded blue car slow down, I kept my eyes on it so I could see who the driver was as they rolled down the passenger window.

"Get in."

"No." I replied, deciding to just keep walking ahead, trying to ignore them calling my name.

"I'm sorry, Nichole. Please, just get back into the car, and we'll go home." My sister's tone sounding like a plead, her voice soft and warming over the bitterness from the cold causing me to stop and turn to look at her. Her face looked tired from chasing after me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for what I've put her through.

The snow started to come down faster than it was five minutes ago distorting the view up ahead, the sky was a dark gray banishing any source of sunlight to break through the bleak clouds. I looked back over my shoulder before looking back at my sister who was standing outside the car, her hands stuffed in her coat pockets as her eyes pleaded for me to get in. I knew I couldn't keep telling her no, just like I knew she wouldn't give up until I got into her car.

"Whatever, just don't talk to me." I said in a monotone walking towards the car, I opened the door feeling the heat consume me as I shut it watching her get in.

I fastened my seat belt while she carried on down the road, the trees moving fast as I looked outside the passenger window, my arm leaning against the door so I could rest my cheek on the ball of my palm. I hated this town I lived in, so small, so cold. Everybody knew everyone. If anything happened within a family, it would spread like wild fire to each and every person, nothing could be kept personal or within limits. Everyone loved to gossip about the Winsons family, all because of their son. I think half the time people find out new things about their lives, thanks to the neighbours and their mouths. Being a subject to their talks is never an easy thing to endure, if you leave the house or walk down the street, they stop and stare at you like they are scrutinising every aspect of your life they think they know. It's hard hearing them slandering you or trying to pity you, if anything, the pity is the worst of it. It's fake. Condescending.

Maybe I should be grateful that they have moved on from my sister and I, it always felt like a kick in the teeth when you'd hear them talking about your family like they once knew the people. All they knew back then was minor details, Kal wished not to speak them about it and made them not talk to me about anything relating to the subject. I guess I'm just grateful that I no longer have anything worth hiding that they could talk about, or at least anything they would find out or know about.

"I'm sorry how I acted today, I just don't-"

"Look, I don't want to talk about it any more." I interrupted rudely cutting her off, not wanting to hear how much she hates Will and that he's a bad influence. In all honesty, I can't stand the kid. And I never have, ever since I first met him I couldn't stand him.

Endeavour (Lesbian Story) [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora