Endeavour |8| (girlxgirl)

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I couldn't take my eyes off the welts in Macie's neck that Will inflicted upon her, the look of anger still placed on her perfect face after tonights mishaps. I tried to sooth the creases in her forehead every time she glanced at me, the pain in her eyes over something she couldn't control, over something that didn't even happen. If it wasn't for Jason pulling her off him, Will would probably be in an intensive care unit on life support. I watched her jaw tense and relax multiple times as she looked down into the sink, I just stayed seated on the baths edge not finding the words to comfort her. I reached out to touch her arm, feeling her skin soft and warm under my hand as I pulled her to sit down next to me on the bath tub.

I rested my head on her shoulder feeling her lips on my hair kissing me, I let out a small sigh while I stared out the bathroom door down the hallway. I looked down at her hands in her lap, red and bruised from the punches she threw, her nails clean from any evidence of him under them. I ran my fingers tips along the raised red lines running down her throat, seeing small goose bumps form on her slightly tanned skin from my touch. I pressed my lips delicately on the side of her neck, feeling her warmth against my nose. The evident smell of peaches and blossoms on her skin, intoxicating my senses bring a warm smile upon my face.

I heard a knock on the front door making me look out the bathroom window to see who it was, I rolled my eyes when I saw Sarah with Janey. I called out the window for them to just come in the house, Janey leading the way up the stairs to the bathroom where Macie and I were sat.

When they appeared down the end of the landing at the top of the stairs, Sarah practically ran down the hallway throwing her self at Macie. I saw the uncomfortable look on Macie's face when Sarah hugged her head into her chest making me laugh a little, Janey opened her arms to hug me tightly much to my surprise I let her.

"How are you feeling?" She questioned me, her hands on either cheek as she looked me in the eyes.

"I'm fine." I smiled half heartedly, Macie taking my hand in hers only to receive a look off Sarah.

"Well let's put it this way. Will is in such a bad shape after Macie got her hands on him." I let out a big smile looking over at Macie, Sarah playing with her hair. I leaned over to kiss her cheek, making her blush for the first time in a while causing a grunt to come from Sarah.

I let out a small smirk, Janey just giving me a look trying to figure out if there was more behind the kiss. I just gave her small shake of my head, as she looked over at Sarah and Macie talking.

"Can I speak to you alone Nichole?" Janey asked grabbing my hand, pulling me up off the bath tub leading me to my room. I watched her close the door quietly hearing the latch click in place, "sit down, please."

I did as she said taking a seat on the edge of my bed, "what do you want to speak to me about?" Confusion in my voice, my eyes watching her intently as she paced back and forth across my room.

"What is going on between you and Macie. Just come clean about it please, I'm not Sarah. I won't go around telling people." She stopped pacing, standing in front of me her hands on her hips waiting for a response.

"Nothing is going on, we're just friends." I answered, frustration changing her features.

"There is something going on between you two, and if I hear it off someone else. I'm going to be so hurt and possible won't talk to you for a while." I could tell how serious she was begin as I watched her head for the door.

I let out a sigh as she walked out my room, I lay back on my bed just looking up at the roof hearing Macie arguing with someone. I closed my eyes drowning out the voices as I heard my bedroom door shut, the other two voices slightly muffled from behind the wall. I felt my bed go down slightly at the weight of Janey I presumed as I still heard Macie's voice and Sarah wouldn't come anywhere near me unless she had to.

Endeavour (Lesbian Story) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now