Endeavour |16| (girlxgirl)

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"You did what?!" I yelled raising my hands in the air, not believing what she has just told me. The urge to hit her was hard to control, her head looking down when she couldn't look me in the eyes as she was telling me.

I looked over at my sister as she grabbed a drink out the fridge, her eyes looking between Macie and I, "I'll let you both carry on." She commented, leaving the kitchen to go into the living room.

"How would you feel if I went to the person I used to date?" I asked as a rhetorical question, knowing she would answer anyway.

"I would hate it." She said simply, still not looking up at me.

"Exactly, so how did you think I would react?" I just watched her shrug in response, "just forget about it, but I swear if you go running back to him I'll cut his balls off and I'll kill you in the process." I commented.

"I'll just run." She replied sarcastically.

"Are you trying to piss me off even more than you've already made me? Because if you are, you've succeeded, and if you attempt that I'll break your legs." I said walking away do the hallway.

"How can I make it up to you?"

"I don't know right now, just give me time to think. I'm heading out for a bit." I stated, stepping out the front door closing it behind me before she could say anything else.

I walked along the road to get to Janey's, my mind re-thinking over Macie's confession whether or not it's as bad as I'm making it out to be. I've kept things from her before, way worse things than this and she never walked out on me.

I felt a surge of guilt flow throughout after thinking about the situation the whole ten-minutes it took to get to Janey's house. I took a deep breath before I knocked on her door, to be opened as soon as I put my arm back down by my side to reveal a smiling Janey. I walked into the house after she stepped aside to allow me in, like normal the smell of fresh baking intoxicated my airways automatically bringing a smile upon my face.

I followed her up the stairs after taking my shoes off by the door to walk into her warm room, I watched her flop onto her bed a huge grin placed on her face causing me to raise my eyebrow up at her.

"What are you so happy about?" I questioned, shrugging off my jacket as I placed it onto the end of her bed before sitting down next to her.

"Jason and I finally did it." She squealed like a little school girl, "it was amazing."

"Wait, did what?" I asked feeling confused.

"You know." I just shook my head causing her to sigh, "sex." I just mouthed the word oh, not knowing what to say.

"And how long have you two been together?"

"Three-months, what's with all the questions? When did you and Macie do it?"

"A year and a half into our relationship, but that's besides the point. Don't you think that's a little early into the relationship?" I asked, watching her pout slightly before shaking her head no.

"What's wrong with you, any how? You don't seem your usual chirpy self."

"Macie." I sighed, laying back down on her bed to look up at the ceiling.

"What she do this time?"

"How would you feel if Jason went running back to Sarah?" I asked hypothetically, my eyes looking at her face to see her reaction.

"No, Macie hasn't gone back to Nick has she? If she has I will personally kill her myself."

"No she hasn't, just after the day we argued she phoned him up and saw him that night to basically confined to. I don't know if how I'm reacting is normal, or if I'm being to jealous and possessive of her." I groaned internally for confessing my issues.

Endeavour (Lesbian Story) [completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat