Endeavour |5| (girlxgirl)

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After a week the snow had finally, pretty much nearly disappeared, leaving the slick wet puddles on the road side or in the middle of pavements. On the way home from school I watched little kids jump and splash in them, while their parents looked down in disappointment or embarrassment. I couldn't help but smile, when I felt a needed urge to go and try it for myself. To see how this activity could make little children so full of joy over getting their shoes and socks wet.

I carried on walking down the path of alcove trees, casting scattered light from the sun high above. The high pitched laughter of children echoing from far behind me, I heard the patter of feet hitting the concrete making me look over my shoulder seeing Will trying to catch me up. I bit my tongue hard, trying not to say anything as I just kept walking wishing I took up on Janey's offer to walk with me, but instead I dismissed her letting her get a lift home. I looked straight ahead, trying to calculate how many steps away it was until I turned right, forking off this path towards the houses where I lived along. Counting down the seconds and minutes until I was safe.

By the time he caught up with me I was four houses from mine, making him sigh as he crossed the road not attempting to talk to me after I shot him down during school. I walked along the sodden grass, feeling my feet sink slightly into the mud my feet becoming damp quickly when I reach the front door. I kicked my shoes off closing it behind me the smell of food lightening my mood as I dropped my bag to the floor, I let my feet lead me into the kitchen where I saw Kal cooking next to the stove.

"What you cooking?" I asked, jumping up onto the counter taking an apple from the fruit bowl. I let my teeth sink in hearing the skin break before I bit off a chunk to chew.

"Stir-fry, so if I was you, I'd get changed before dinner is ready." She commented, knowing there's a ninety-percent chance I'd drop it down myself.

I rolled my eyes taking another bite of the apple as I jumped off the counter, I dragged my feet out the kitchen heading towards the stairs. I depended on the banister hearing it creak with every step I took, using it to pull myself up hearing Kal say something to me about breaking the stairs. The rest of the way I put the apple in my mouth, crawling on my hands and knees to my bedroom. I rolled onto my back taking bite after bite from the apple finishing it off, dropping the core into the bin.

I couldn't help but think about what Macie said to me a week ago, about taking things further than just kissing. I felt butterflies erupt from within my stomach thinking about getting that far with her, having all of that with her. I know she's never gotten that far with anyone and I know I haven't, this would be a whole new step.

I quickly shook my head, relieving myself of such thoughts as I heaved myself from off the floor to get changed. I pulled on whatever was lay on the end of my bed, hanging my school uniform up neatly on the outside of my wardrobe doors.

I let out a sigh making my way down the stairs to sit at the dinning room table, my head resting my hands as I watched my sister take plates out the wooden cupboards.

"How was school?" I heard her ask serving the food up evenly onto the plates, bringing them over to the table placing my plate in front of me. I felt my stomach grumble at the sight and smell of it, a smile pulling up on my face not realising how hungry I was.

"Fabulous as ever." I said sarcastically stabbing the vegetables with my fork, "Will was driving me insane, Macie left an hour early for a doctor appointment. When really all she has is a cold, what's so bad about that?" I vented shoving the food into my mouth, the salt from the soy sauce tingling my taste buds.

Endeavour (Lesbian Story) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now