Endeavour |4| (girlxgirl)

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IV .

You know why we're doing this don't you?” I just nodded to scared too speak, too sore to move, too tired to take any more, “We are doing this for your own good. To teach you manners, to think about what you've done wrong.” She said in a calm, soft voice causing my bruised body to shiver at how well she kept herself.

I watched as she shut the heavy wooden door, locking it as her footsteps retreated down the hallway. The only light coming from the small gap underneath the door, casting a thin glow on the cold concrete floor. I felt my hair fall against my legs as I hugged my knees in the foetal position. Warm tears staining my dirty face as I prayed for someone to come and save me.

I lay my face on the cold hard floor hoping sleep would come and take over, my muscles staying tensed to keep my body warm.

I sat up in bed sweat dewing on my forehead, my breath quickening. “It was just a dream.” I told myself into the darkness of my room, my hand patting along my bed for Macie's sleeping body.

I felt my hand touch her hip as I moved closer to her, my shifting waking her up her hand touching my waist while I lay my head on her chest, my left hand taking a fistful of her shirt. I felt her roll over engulfing me into a tight hug, kissing my forehead slightly before resting her chin on top of my head, my cheek against her soft neck.

“What did you dream of?” The vibration of her voice against my ear, a tiny smile from the sound of her voice .

“Them.” My voice sounding detached causing her to hold me tighter.

I just closed my eyes listening to the rhythm of her heart beat, the steady shallow breaths she took calming me. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

“Hey beautiful.” Macie said with a smile, brushing the hair from my face as I sat up in bed the sun greeting me.

“Is there still snow?” I asked, looking down at her then back over to the window.

“There's still snow.” She answered causing me to sigh as I got up from the bed.

I walked over towards the window seeing the snow bring the whole town to a stand still. Yet again. The sun reflected off the snows surface making it bright and hard to look at, I looked down seeing Kal trying to shovel her drive to make some sort of path way.

I opened up the window peering my head out of it, “what you doing?” I called down towards her, she turned around shielding her eyes from the sun as she looked up at me.

“I'm trying to make a path way, I need to go to the shops we're out of some food.” She answered leaning against the shovel, looking back at the little progress she could achieve.

“Macie and I will go for you, if you want.” Them words bringing a smile to her face.

“Macie will do what?” I heard her voice say from the right of me, my head automatically looking towards her. A smile being brought upon my face seeing her mahogany hair falling to one side, her blue bed top making her honey eyes shine within the sunlight.

“Go get some food for Kal with me.” I said in a sing song voice causing her to roll on her back placing her hands on her face.

I closed the window walking over towards her, I climbed onto the bed laying myself on top of her as I kissing her chin, making her move her hands from her face to look down at me. I moved up against her body a little to press my lips softly against hers, the taste of peach invading my taste buds after we parted my tongue running along my lower lip slowly.

Endeavour (Lesbian Story) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now