Chapter 3

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Later that evening, everyone went back to their apartments where Riley and May sat at their bay window.

"You and Josh finally ended the Long Game?" Riley gasped.

"Well we're trying to see how things go" Maya explained "We'll be going on a date some time this week and we'll see how things go from there."

"But you guys are meant for each other, I'm sure everything's gonna go well."

"I just don't know if we'll be as strong as you and Lucas."

"Are you kidding me?" Riley doubted "You and Josh have been doing the Long Game for what 10 years now? It's obvious your feelings are mutual, and I'm so happy for you, I knew you'd find the right guy."

"You really think he's the right guy for me?" Maya smiled.

"Absolutely" Riley smiled back.

"Well, then I guess that means I'll be becoming your aunt."

"Whoa don't get carried away" Riley giggled.

"Hey come on, doesn't Maya Matthews sound perfect?"

"Of course."

"And besides, at least now I have a lump of coal taken out of my Dungeon of Sadness."

"You still have that?"

"Next to my daddy issues and ballerina dreams" Maya smirked.

"I thought you gave up on your ballerina dreams?"

"I did, but the lump of coal is still there for some reason."

"Well hey, at least you're finally going on a date with Uncle Boing."

"Yeah" Maya smiled "The 3 years older dilemma is no longer a problem."

"Well except for the fact that he's almost 30" Riley put in.

"He's 28, he has 2 more years."

"Yeah but still" Riley bit her lip "He's almost 30, that's so old."

"And yet he doesn't look a day over gorgeous" Maya smirked.

"Hey who do you think would win in a fight against each other? Josh or Lucas?'

"Oh wow" Maya said amused "That's a tuffy. They're both strong, both big, both hot. I guess I would to say... they'd both die."

"Good answer" Riley smiled.

"Hey speaking of Lucas, isn't he suppose to be here for dinner?"

"Yeah he said he'll be here a little late, apparently he needed to talk to my parents for some reason."

"Well I'm not gonna wait for that Huckleberry" Maya said as she got up and went into the kitchen and took a container out of the refrigerator "I'm gonna eat his pasta."

Just then Farkle, Smackle, and Zay entered.

"Hey is Lucas back yet?" Zay asked.

"No" Maya said with her mouth full of pasta.

"What's taking him so long?"

"He said he needed to talk to my parents about something" Riley replied while getting up from the bay window.

"What does he need to talk to them about?" Farkle asked.

"Perhaps Mr. Matthews wanted to have another of his 'you're dating my daughter' talks" Smackle guessed.

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