Chapter 14

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That night, Lucas went back to his apartment where he went inside to see Zay and Farkle in the living room.

"Did you get it?" Farkle asked him.

"Yep" Lucas smiled "I got everyone I could get, now I just need to do you guys, Josh, and the girls, and then you gotta help me put the whole thing together cause I don't know everything about technology."

"So it's gonna be official tomorrow night?" Zay asked.

"I hope, but I swear if something gets in the way, I really am giving up."

"Oh come on" Farkle doubted "You can't just give up, you gotta fight through it, fight for Riley, fight for your true love."

"Let's just see what happens? So just to be clear, you guys still have the decorations right?"

"Yep" they chorused.


"So do you know how you're gonna keep Riley distracted tomorrow?" Farkle asked "Since tomorrow's Sunday, all of us are not gonna be working."

"Don't worry, Maya's got it covered, she's gonna take her out on a little girl's day out until I tell her it's time."

"Are you excited?" Zay asked with a smile.

"Well once again I'm nervous, well actually more nervous than before. I just need everything to be perfect tomorrow, without anything getting in the way."

"Are you prepared?" Farkle asked.

"Yep, I got the ring, the champagne, you guys got the decorations, oh, I also got Riley and I a little something too."

"What is it?"

"I'm not gonna tell you" Lucas smirked "I want everyone to be surprised."

"Is it Beyonce?!" Zay gasped.



"Just wait and see, although if something bad happens tomorrow, then the surprise is ruined."

"Well don't worry man-" Farkle said "Everything's gonna go well, we'll make sure nothing bad happens. Oh, if you want, I can hire a bodyguard to make sure Charlie and Missy don't interfere."

"Nah it's fine, I'm just gonna hope for the best."

Zay and Farkle then noticed that Lucas was trying to hide his nervousness.

"Lucas" Farkle spoke up "Everything will be fine, just think about Riley, and how much you want to spend the rest of your life with her."

"Yeah" Lucas said with a small sigh.

"So uh-" Zay said "Have you chosen who your Best Man is gonna be?"

Lucas gave him a frown.

"I can't wait any longer-" Zay whined "I wanna know."

"Sorry Zay" Lucas said "But you're gonna wait, and I have to see if Riley's says Yes first."

So the next day, Maya took Riley to the mall where they stopped by a water fountain.

"You know I'm surprised we didn't see Missy at the mall today" Riley said.

"I knew Carrie would scare her off" Maya smirked when she then turned to the water fountain "Oo! Let's make a wish."

"Oh I know what I'm gonna wish for?" Riley smiled as she took out a penny, made her wish, and tossed it in the fountain.

"What did you wish for?" Maya asked.

"I'm not gonna tell you, or it wont come true."

"Did you wished that you'll get married to Lucas?" Maya grinned.

"... Maybe" Riley looked down with a slight smirk causing Maya to laugh.

"Well hey-" Maya smiled "Maybe that wish will come true one day."

When Riley turned away, Maya forced herself not to squeal.

"So where do you wanna go next?" she asked "Macy's, American Eagle, what? We got the whole day."

"Well-" Riley said "I'm actually in the mood to go for some fro-yo."

"Excellent! Come on!"

Maya then grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the fountain.


Back at Lucas's apartment, while Lucas was away, everyone couldn't take their eyes off the ring in the ring box.

"It's so shiny" Farkle breathed.

"And sparkly" Smackle breathed "I wanna wear it so bad."

"Uh, no" Josh spoke up "Remember what Lucas said? No one is allowed to wear it but Riley."

"I just wanna try it on real quick."

"Don't" Josh ordered "You don't know what could happen, it could get stuck and it'll just create chaos to get it off."

"Uh, in case you haven't noticed, I have thin fingers, so there's like not even a fifty perfect chance that it'll get stuck."

She then took the ring out of the box.

"Smackle..." Josh warned.

"Relax Josh-" she smirked "It's just a quick try on."

She then slid the ring onto her finger.

"See?" she said to Josh "It fits."

"Well take it off before Lucas gets back" he ordered.

"Hold on" she said as she started to admire the ring on herself "Okay."

But when she tried to take the ring off, she found that it wouldn't budge.

"Hold on" she said with a scared smile as she tried to pull the ring off.

"It's stuck isn't it?" Josh smirked.

"No-" she lied "It just needs a little twist and turn."

But no matter what she tried, the ring wouldn't come off.

"I hate to say I told you so but- oh who am I kidding? I told you so" he smirked again.

"Oh man Lucas is gonna be pissed" Zay chuckled.

"Someone please get this off me before he gets back!" Smackle exclaimed.

"Don't worry I got this" Farkle announced as he went to a cupboard and pulled out some vegetable oil "When anything's stuck, oil is the best solution."

He then started to rub the oil all over her finger and the ring.

"Okay here we go" he said as he started to pull on the ring.

"It's working!" Smackle exclaimed "Keep pulling!"

Pretty soon he managed to pull the ring off, but when he did it slipped out of his hand and onto the floor.

"Oh damn where did it go?" his eyes widen.

"Everyone look" Smackle ordered as they started to search on the floor.

"I found it!" Josh held up the ring just as Lucas entered.

"Josh!" he gasped as he took the ring from him "What the hell are you doing with the ring?! I said no one is allowed to touch it!"

At that point Josh turned to Smackle with a mad look as she gave a guilty smile.

"Uh, why is the ring covered in oil?" Lucas demanded.

Josh turned to Smackle.

"Uh... yeah Josh!" she exclaimed.

"Sometimes I really don't like you" he frowned.

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